Chapter 27: Ember's Enemy

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Saturday brought me nothing but boredom. The boys had "important Flamer Business" to deal with and actually took it to another room for once so I couldn't join them. Believe me I tried, but I couldn't find them so I went back to the room so I could hang out with my roommates. I got back to an empty room, again, and the girls didn't invite me wherever they went. So, with nothing else to do, I stayed in, studied a little, practiced my fire balls, then watched movies unless I passed out before 9:00 pm. I was asleep before any of my roommates returned, and I woke up before anyone else did.

I was worried the whole weekend would be dull, then I remembered that today we are headed to Am-c. They have a Sunday Funday event, which sounds painfully immature and incredibly annoying, but it is an excuse to go to Am-c. I know Damon plans to bother Emalyne as much as he can, flirting with her is his best plan to get under Paxxon's skin. So the best, and really only. Way he can do that is by showing up on their campus as much as he can. If Damon is going to Am-c you know I will be there too. Plus, I know Damon is trying to set Paxxon off again. He had a breakdown last year during EYEs even without Damon there to rile him up. I don't know all of the details but I heard it was pretty bad. Students at both campuses rumored that if he wasn't Dean Philip's son he would have been kicked out for all the damages done and the student that he injured, but I have no idea what actually happened. All I know is if Paxxon went mental under the pressure of Year One EYEs I can only imagine what will happen with Damon Ashbluff around to push him... but I cannot wait to find out.

As soon as I finished showering and getting ready, and headed back into the dorm room I planned to ask the girls if they were ready to leave, but they left without me. I quickly grab my things and head over to Am-c hoping to find everyone on my way there. But of course, no such luck. As I enter campus, wondering where they hold these "Sunday Funday" events I see a huge group of students outside the library and have my answer. Why they chose a place that is meant to be quiet to hold an event I have no idea. I wouldn't even anticipate the library to be large enough to hold a campus event, but I have never stepped foot in the library, so I have no idea how big it actually is. But as I get even closer to the scene, I realize one question I had would not be answered, as the other one just was. 

The Sunday Funday event is in fact not in the library, so I will not be finding out how large it is, or if it could house an event like this. Because the real reason they chose the library is that they didn't. The event is elsewhere, which brings up the new question in my mind of where do I go from here, but the reason I am here and the crowd is here, is because The Flamers are here. Damon may be the leader of the pack in most minds, and Ezra in his own, but neither of them have any sort of control over Jagger. Jagger is the biggest pyromaniac you will ever meet,and I have met many Fire Mani's so that says a lot. It's not that he lacks control over his skills, he is actually quite skilled in Fire Manipulation, it's that he lacks control over his impulses and has the constant urge to set everything on fire.

No, the Am-c library is not on fire, yet, but Jagger did set the bushes outside of it on fire, and Damon has a student pinned to the wall next to the flames, while the twins are using flaming hands to keep everyone back. The girls are nowhere in sight, neither are the "Anti-Flamer Super Duo" Luther and Spencer who always get in the way of everything. Like the other day when Damon was teaching that nerdy kid, Tanner or whatever his name is, a lesson for correcting him in class, and they just had to butt in. It's not like Damon was going to seriously harm the boy. The boy only got burned like he did because Damon got distracted, when Luther walked up and tried to shove Damon off the kid. Luther doesn't know how to mind his own business, and Spencer is his sidekick that only follows Luther like a lost puppy dog because he's sleeping with Luther's baby sister and doesn't want Luther to kick his ass for it. 

As I get closer to the scene in front of me, I cannot keep my eyes off of Damon and his latest lesson. It Is because I am surprised or even intrigued about what he is doing. I have seen it over a dozen times just this year already. And definitely not because I am in anyways worried about the other student or appalled by what I see. No, I cannot take my eyes off of the events because for some reason Damon's shirt is torn off and on the ground next to his feet. My eyes trace the carved lines of his six pack muscles, following them first up, to get a good look at the strong shoulder and biceps that I usually only get a peak of when he takes off his leather jacket and the tee shirt under is pushed up from the muscular build of his arms. My eyeline follows around his thick neck and prominent collar bones, down his other arm, and back to his abs before finding the glorious V just above the waist of his low riding black leather pants. 

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