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One word: Ant-Man.

Wait, no, that's two words.

Wait, no, it's hyphenated.

Wait, no, who the heck cares?

I've got to admit: I had no idea how they were going to pull it off. No idea. I thought it sounded slightly corny - a guy who can shrink and communicate with ants. I mean, seriously?

But then I reminded myself that I was watching a MARVEL MOVIE. And then I had no doubts. I raised my expectations and waited eagerly on the edge of my seat as the movie started...

And then I saw Peggy Carter and Howard Stark and I went into extreme fangirl mode.




It was epic. I don't know how they pulled it off, but they did.

And Evangeline Lilly. OH MY GOSH. SHE'S JUST PERFECT.

Okay, okay. The next part contains spoilers, so...

Do Not Read If You Haven't Seen Ant-Man

I'm going to start off by saying that Marvel chooses their actors perfectly.

And by perfectly, I mean PER-FECT-LY.

Paul Rudd was brilliant, Michael Douglas was awesome, Evangeline Lilly was goals, Corey Stoll was awesomely bad, Anthony Mackie was hilarious, Michael Peña was crazy and Abby Ryder Fortson is the most adorable kid I've ever seen.





Okay, moving on...

Wasp. Isn't it just plain awesome but terrible? Soooo I was watching's 'Ant-Man's Post-Credit Scenes Explained' video and Brandon Davis said that when watching the scene where Scott enters the Quantum realm, he saw a flash of movement - kind of like a person. Who knows? It could be Janet van Dyne. ;) The video is in the media section for you to take a look at.

And those Avengers references! Haha! XD

I was also reading up about how they made Michael Douglas look so young in the first scene. It's amazing what we can do with technology these days.

Here are some interesting articles I think you guys should read...
How Exactly Did Ant-Man Make Michael Douglas Look So Young? - (
13 'Ant-Man' Easter Eggs - (
Ant-Man's Post-Credit Scenes Explained - (

And this one isn't about Ant-Man, but it sure is awesome.
9 Reasons to Get Excited About Marvel's New Movies - (

As I always do in my movie review chapters, I'm going to show you my favourite quotes and how I reacted to them. The quotes are in bold and my comments are in italics. ;)

Cassie: I'm going to go tell Mommy you're here!
Scott: Oh, no, you don't--
Cassie: *runs away* *runs back* Mommy is so happy she choked on her drink!
Oh, the innocence of a child...

Scott: Here's your present. *hands Cassie a gift*
Cassie: Can I open it now?
Paxton: Of course you can, honey.
Cassie: *opens it to see a hideous bunny toy*
Bunny: *creepily* You're my best friend.
Cassie: *excitedly* HE'S SO UGLY, I LOVE IT!
This kid is freaking adorable!

Scott: My days of breaking into places and stealing **** are over! What do you need me to do?
Hank: I want you to break into a place and steal some ****.
Of course you do.

Scott: I think our first move would be to call the Avengers.
My thoughts exactly.

Hank: This is not some cute tech like the Iron Man suit!

Scott: *surrounded by police* Wait, I didn't steal anything! I was returning something I stole!
Did he really just...?

Scott: Have you been watching me the whole time I was sleeping?
Hope: Yes.

Hank: In the right hands, the relationship between man and the suit is symbiotic. The suit has power. The man harnesses that power. You need to be skillful, agile and, above all, you need to be fast. You should be able to shrink and grow on a dime so your size always suits your needs. Now dive through the keyhole, Scott. You charge big, you dive small then you emerge big.
Scott: *makes a run for it but smashes right into the door in front of him* Ow!
Hope: Useless.
Yup, useless. Ya know what? I think you should be Ant-Man.

Scott: You want to show me how to punch? Show me how to punch!
Hope: *clocks Scott in the nose with an awesome punch*
Scott: *tumbles to the ground*
Hope: That's how you punch. Okay, you ready to go again?
Scott: Were you even aiming for the hand?
These scenes of Hope beating up Scott are literally my life.

Scott: Hi, I'm Ant-Man.
Hope: Did he just say "Hi, I'm Ant-Man"?
Falcon: Ant-Man?
Scott: Haven't you heard of me? No, you wouldn't have heard of me.
Falcon: What do you want?
Scott: I'm just here to borrow some tech. It's only for a few days, I'll return it.
Dude. Nuh-uh. *slaps him*

Falcon: *talking into his communicator after getting beat up by Scott* Let's not let Captain know about this, okay?
Yeah, it's best we don't let him know. ;)

Scott: I just beat up an Avenger!
Aww, do you want a cookie?

Hope: You were trying to bring her back.
Scott: This is good! You two making up!
Hank and Hope: *stare at him*
Scott: And I just ruined the moment, didn't I?

Cassie: Are you trying to find my daddy?
Paxton: Uh, yeah I am, sweetheart. I just want your daddy to be safe.
Cassie: Hope you don't catch him.
Apply cool water to the area of the burn.

Darren: *talks about selling the Yellowjackets to HYDRA*

Scott: *accidently bumps Siri*
Darren: I am going to disintegrate you!
Siri: Playing Disintegration by The Cure. *music starts playing*
Well, to say that I laughed my head until it fell off is an understatement.

Gale: *sees a huge ant* That is one messed up dog.
I can't. I just can't. XD

Hank: *open the door to see Scott and Hope kissing* Um...
Hope: Uhh ... nothing's happening here.
Scott: Of course something's happening. *playfully* Hope, you can't just grab me and kiss me like that, I've got places to go!
Hope: *looks at him in disbelief*
Scott: Seriously Hope, you can't just do that. *walks out*
We all saw that coming.

Hank: You're full of **** Scott.

Luis: We got guys who jump. We got guys who swing. We got guys who climb up walls.

*waiting for a Stan Lee cameo*
Bartender: *turns out to be Stan Lee*
And there it is.

[Credits Scene #1]
Hope: It's about damn time.
You bet it is.

[Credits Scene #2]

Okay, I'm alive now.

But seriously, how awesome was it?



Just saying.

Anyway, byeeeeeeee!

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