New Recruit New Love

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A/N: This was a suggestion from my friend AlexisELF. The next three were also suggestions from her. Thanks Alexis.

You were hanging out with your best friend, Logan a.k.a Wolverine, at Professor Xavier's school for mutants. What's your power though? Levitation.

You were sitting on the couch talking with Logan, when the doors to the living room opened. A man with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes walked in.

"Hey Logan." He said. You turned and looked at Logan, a little confused.

"Hello Tony."Logan replied looking at the man supposedly named Tony. Logan then looked at you.

Tony followed Logan's gaze and stopped when he saw you. "And who is this, lovely lady?" Tony said striding over to you.

"The name's Y/N!" you said smiling, looking at the man. You then thought of what he called you and said. "And I hope you don't think you can woo me mister."

Tony looked at you astonished and then he looked at Logan. "She's feisty. Anyway! I was told that tomorrorw you guys will select a X-men to transfer over to the Avengers. I'll come and pick them up. And maybe I can also pick you up." Tony looked at you when he said that last sentence.

You laughed. "In your dreams Tony." You said as you got up and left.

You walked to your shared room and got ready for bed. You crawled into your bed and covered yourself up with your f/c sheets and your f/c blanket.

-The next morning-

You woke up and got dressed in a long sleeve f/c shirt, black skinny jeans and black converses.

You ate breakfast and gathered with all your friends as Professor Xavier came on the intercom.

"Hello everyone. As you know today we will lose one of our own students and they will transfer over to the Avengers." Professor Xavier said.

Everyone was worried it would be them. No one really wanted to leave but someone had to.

"Alright. I'm going to draw a name from a bowl. And the one that is transferring is...... F/N L/N." Professor Xavier said.

Everyone gasped and looked at you. "No! Why her!?" Logan said hugging you tightly.

After Logan released you from the hug, you went and packed your things. You truly didn't want to leave.

Tony's P.O.V

I got in my car and began driving to the school. I couldn't get Y/N out of my head. Her H/L H/C hair. Her breathtaking e/c eyes. And her s/c skin.

She was perfect in every way to me. I have to see her again. And I am. I get to see her when I pick up the new recruit.

No one's P.O.V

You walked outside with a single suitcase containing all your belongings.

A black ferrari pulled up and Tony, the man from last night, got out.

"So, you waiting for your friend to come back?" He said looking you straight in the eyes.

You shook your head. "Nope. I'm the new recruit. Get over it." You said, throwing your suitcase in the trunk of the car and climbed in the passengers seat.

Tony ran over and got back into the drivers seat and drove to the tower.

"What are your favorite colors?" Tony asked you, eyes focused on the rode

"Black and f/c." You replied. You were confused to why he asked this.

"Perfect. I have a room based off those colors."

-At Stark Tower-

You had just arrived and were already unpacking. Your room had the walls painted light f/c with glass windows on the left wall.

Your bed's sheets were silk and the color of them was black. Your comforter was soft and f/c. It had leaves and branches on it as a design.

After you finished unpacking you went to the entertainment area to meet the rest of the Avengers.

"Hi." You said shyly. You were quiet and shy around a group of new people. Everyone turned and faced you.

"Hi. I'm Steve. Also known as Captain America, ma'am." Steve said walking over to you holding his hand out. You shook his hand and smiled.

"Hello Lady......?" A tall muscular blonde said.

"Y/N! My name is Y/N!' You said forgetting that you hadn't introduced yourself.

"Hello Lady Y/N. I am Thor. Son of Odin. God of thunder." Thor said standing up and walking over to you. He gave you a bone crushing hug.

"Ok, Thor. Hi, I'm Bruce. Bruce Banner." Bruce said pushing his glasses up and giving you a hand shake.

Your eyes went wide. "Dr. Banner? I am a huge fan of your work." You said happily shaking his hand.

"Ahem. I'm Clint Barton." Clint said walking over to you.

You stuck out your hand towards Clint and he shook it. "Nice to meet you Clint."

"Good to have another girl on the team. I'm Natasha by the way. You can call me Nat though." Nat said hugging you.

You hugged back, happy to not be the only female Avenger.

-2 months later-

It had been 2 months since you joined the Avengers. Tony continued to flirt with you, honestly you didn't mind it anymore.

You would blush once in a while when Tony flirted with you. You were starting to fall for him.

You walked into your bathroom that was connected to your room.

You turned on the shower and got in.

-After your shower-

You got out of the shower and put on a tank top with (favorite show logo) on it. You also put on some light blue skinny jeans and white converses.

You went to the entertainment room and saw Tony making coffee in the adjoining kitchen.

"Hey Y/N. Wanna go out?" Tony asked for the 60th time.

"Sure, why not." You replied.

Tony was astonished. He ran over to you and kissed you completely forgetting about the mug of coffee.

You used your powers to keep it from hitting the floor and breaking.

"Thanks babe." Tony said. You rolled your eyes and kissed Tony passionately.

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