Race Me!

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A/N: So this story is to celebrate getting 2,000 reads! Hooray! Thank you so much you guys! I'm so proud of you guys and I'm also proud that I have gotten popular! Also in this story you have super speed. Enjoy!

You sat on the couch curled up next to your boyfriend Pietro.

You liked calling him Sonic. That's cause he was just as fast as you.

Pietro liked calling you Golden Sonic, Goldy for short. Mainly because when you ran you left behind a golden streak.

You two were watching 'Doctor Who' together when Storm and Wade walked in.

Storm was riding piggyback on Wade's back.

You smiled at the couple, your e/c orbs sparkling like jewels.

Pietro kissed the top of your head.

"Hey Wade, who do you think is faster?" The black haired woman said. (Storm is 25)

"I think Y/N is!" Wade said, grinning.

"No! Pietro is faster!" Storm said, smirking.

The two then started fussing over who was faster until you intercepted.

"Why don't me and Pietro race to decide who is faster?"  You said, your h/l h/c hair falling softy as you stood.

"Sounds great!" Storm cheered.

~1 hour later~

"Alright! The race is simple. First one to get to Japan and bring Wade a box of Pocky and me a series of anime will prove they are the fastest!" Storm said, grinning.

You and Pietro both nodded.

You were standing in front of the Empire State building.

Storm stood between you and Pietro.

"Ready..." Storm pulled out a starting gun.

"Set..." Storm aimed the gun up.

"Go!" Storm pulled the trigger signifying for the race to start.

The moment the gun went off you ran at full speed leaving a gold streak behind you.

Pietro started the same time you did and was right beside you.

"You know this is gonna make one of us angry right?" Pietro said, staring at you as the pair of you raced towards Japan.

"I won't be mad if you win. Honestly, I'm doing this to make Storm and Wade happy." You replied, smiling.

"You really are her best friend aren't you?" Pietro said.

"Yes I am Sonic!" You said before running at an ungodly speed.

"Not letting you win that easily Goldy!" 'Sonic' said.

~5 minutes later~

The both of you had already gone to Japan, got the things, and on your way back.

As the two of you approached the Empire State building, something that you did not mean to happen, happened.

You tripped and fell and Pietro won.

"What did I tell you! Pietro is faster Wade!" Storm shouted in victory.

Pietro turned around and noticed you were lying on the ground.

Pietro ran back to you. "You ok, Y/N?" Pietro said with a thick Sokovian accent.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You said.

Pietro gently kissed your lips.

"I love you, Goldy." Pietro whispered softly.

"Love you too, Sonic." You said, smiling brightly.

------Extended Ending------

You and Pietro turned around to find Storm on Wade's back once more, and Storm with a pocky in her mouth.

You giggled at the sight.

Pietro lifted you onto his back. You gently wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Just so you know, Sonic. I'm faster than you." You said as a smirk crept onto your lips.

"Whatever you say, Goldy." Pietro replied.

A/N: BOOM! I did it! Ok small RP.


Wanda: What?

Hailey: I saw Tony kiss Steve!

Wanda: Eww!

Hailey: The ship has sailed!

Wanda: *awkwardly walks out of room*

Ok so that was fun. Any who! Have a Rossome day! Bye-bye!

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