Chapter 18- Plans

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I carefully shut my bedroom door, I always do now. I don't want to make it known I'm up and awake. My parents have been fighting a lot lately, and I don't want to hear of it. My life is honestly all over the place.

Before I was down the stairs " Sweetheart-" Mother said from the top.

Biting my tongue, I stared at my feet. I don't want to reply but if I don't...she'll worry. I hate seeing her worry.


"Where are you headed this early?"

"Thought I'd walk to school today. Don't really like the bus, you know."

"Oh, so...Nicolas isn't taking you..?"

I didn't dare answer. I swallowed hard, my hearts racing. I can't make up a lie to my mom. I can't. But her and dad want me with Nicolas so much...

"Sweetie, I want you to know Nicolas is a good guy. He's been really worried about you, and he waited for you the other night.... Where were you?"

" I was busy, and mom... Nicolas isn't who you think he is-"

"Busy? With what? Are you having troubles I should be aware of? And what do you mean about Nicolas?"

"No, mom. I'm fine, really, and its complicated; okay? Please just trust me?"

"I don't believe you. I know you. You would never stand Nicolas up?"

"I didn't stand him up...mother.."

She sighed. " Look I don't know what's gotten into you, but college isn't far. You and Nicolas have a GREAT relationship. Do you really wanna mess that up?"

Her words began to echo.
......Do you really wanna mess that up?

I remained silent.
I'm not the one that's messed any of it up.

"We're having dinner as a family tonight, okay?"

"Can't- I have plans-" I replied.

"Well they'll have to change. I took off just to have dinner with you and your father tonight."

" I gotta go-" I walked towards the front door and left before I could hear her response.

I can't believe I just did that, but I don't need her making my choices. I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own.

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