Chapter 25- The choice is mine

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I tiptoed through the entry way of my house. I didn't want to wake either of my parents; I can only imagine the kind of lecture they have for me now. I'm sure they already think I spent the night with James; they wouldn't be wrong, but right now I just need my bed. I need to close my eyes for a little bit before facing them.
I turned my door knob very quietly and crept under my comforter. It that just seconds later my alarm clock was going off. I silenced my alarm, but that didn't do anything since my mother was now calling me from downstairs.
I made my way for the shower, threw on some clothes, and headed for downstairs. My feet dragged with each step that only meant I was closer to my mother.
"Good morning, Christina!" My mom handed me a plate of pancakes. She seemed normal, which made me even more anxious. My parents sat silent as they waited for me to take a bite. I went along and dove in.
"So how did you sleep?" My mother pried.
And so it begans.
"I slept just fine."
"Oh, didn't hear you come in? What time did you say you came home?" My dad chimed in.
"I didn't-"
"Oh, I see." He turned to my mother's direction, taking a big gulp of his coffee.
I'd say that this was enough for my day.
"Well I should be going, I have study session at ten."
"But it's only 8:30-" My father began, but I had already started making my way for the front door.
My mother ran to meet me there. Her presence stopped my movement.
"Now I believe that was rude of you-" She caught her breathe.
Before I could reply she went on to say, " I don't understand what exactly has happened to you recently, but you are not the young lady I know you to be. You are being reckless and completely careless. You're embarrassing your father and I-"
"Embarassing you!? I am embarassing you, Mom?" I asked.
"Yes, young lady you are."
"I'm sorry, but maybe I want to live. Maybe I don't want to be like you, or Nicolas, or Dad. In fact, I don't want to be anywhere close to it! Stop treating me like I'm suppose to be perfect, Mom! I'm a teenager! I am young, and better yet; I had sex last night. I had sex, and you should be sad that I felt the need to be distant with you. That I felt the need to lie to you. I don't want to be with Nicolas , Mom. I like James. He makes me so happy, but you can't even see that. You're so wrapped in yourself and what you want! So if you would move the fuck out of my way.... I would greatly appreciate it."
"I won't let you throw this away, Christina. Everything that we've been working for, and everything you've always wanted." My mom cried.
"No, everything you've always wanted-" I added before closing the door behind me.

I walked until I reached James' front porch, I sat waiting on his steps until he came out. He could tell I had been crying, and pulled me into an embrace. He always knew what to say. We sat there and he listened to my every word. After that, we went for milkshakes. I began to tell him of the ridiculous plan I once had, and how I would be just like my parents; Nicolas and I. I told him that I don't think I ever really wanted it. That my heart was never in it. How I had decided today that I wasn't going to college right away, and that I wanted to travel the world. I told him he could come too, but only if he wanted.
"You make me feel free, from everything-" I stated.

And that feeling of free, well I never want to give that up.

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