chapter 1

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"never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day."
Cara's P.O.V*

"they said It was a miracle. No one thought I was going to make should have been me" he told me, tears fighting to come out.

"I should have died, not her."

He then couldn't hold back the tears as they came pouring out like rain in an intense storm. I didn't know what to say all I could do was stare. Reality finally hit me and I jumped to his side to comfort him. He was telling me, after all this time he finally opened up to me.

"Sorry, I don't often tell people this so it's kind of new to me" he said with a slight chuckle but I knew its wasn't a real one.

"don't worry about it. What happened after that?" I asked in a small voice, surprised that he could actually hear me.

3 months earlier*

There he was, the guy I once called my best friend. He was just sitting there like the past five years of silence was normal.

Oh and by silence I don't mean that he doesn't speak. He can speak. Just for some reason not to me. I mean at one stage we did, we told everything to each other from crushes and favourite foods to fears and secrets. But then one day it all stopped.

The sleepovers , midnight talks and bicycle rides all ended. And I never knew why. Well actually no one knew why.

After we stopped talking he moved away, from next door to across town and the only place I ever saw him was at school and even then he would just ignore or avoid me.

"Miss Antoinette would you please stop day dreaming and actually focus on what I'm saying" Mrs Custon, my English teacher asked me for probably the 3rd time this week.

"sorry" I mumbled

As she carried on teaching I glanced over to Evan and once again he looked half asleep with his elbows plopped up onto his desk holding him up and his eyes slightly closing at each word Mrs Custon says.

He looked like this all the time, tired. Didn't he ever sleep? I thought to myself.

He opend his eyes for the first time in about 5 minutes when the bell rang signalling that class was over .just as he opened them his eyes caught my own and we both just stared at each other before he broke the connection by turning his head to pack his bag.

I let out a sigh and started to pack away my books too. I slid them into my bag, slung it onto my back and walked out of class.

Next period is lunch so I quickly went to my locker to drop off my books and pack for after lunch. I then made my way to the food court outside.

I spotted my friends quite easily and made my way towards them. When I was about half way there a slammed into something really hard, did a brick wall like just appear in front of me?

I looked down to see my food all over the floor and silently cursed for not remembering the 5 second rule.

I looked up to see who had just cost me a food, ready to punch whoever it was. Just as I looked up I saw beautiful hazel eyes. But not just anyone's hazel eyes, Evans hazel eyes that I haven't seen up close for years but I still remember how bright they were. But for some reason they weren't bright at all.

They were actually really dull and lifeless. Like someone had captured the light behind his eyes and kept it locked up in a box.

His brown hair lifeless and messy, falling slightly onto his eyes and shooting out everywhere.

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