chapter 4

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"Why did Cinderella's shoe fall off if it fit perfectly in the end?
Maybe because all she wanted was for her prince to come back to her."


*cara’s P.O.V*

Monday rolled in quicker than I wanted. I woke up 2 minutes before my phone was set to go off which totally peed me off. I’ve never been one to wake up early. I got that from my dad. I slowly got out of bed and strolled into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower then brushed my teeth. I got dressed in black skinny jeans, black converse a white tank top and a dark flannel over.  I went down stairs, almost missing a step on the way. Gosh I really am tired. Marcus was already down making breakfast which I was thankful for. He set a piece of toast and some scrambled eggs in front of me and quickly muttered thanks before digging in.

When I was done I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my bag. I quickly kissed Marcus on the cheek then started my usual walk to school.

I made my way through the doors at school and headed for my locker. There waiting was Bella, wearing a very worried expression on her face.

“what the hell happened to you on Saturday?” she askes. Oh I forgot I was the DD.

“I had a bit of a situation and had to leave.”

“and you didn’t bother to tell any of us?”


She sighed and looked at with me with a concerned look. “was it Evan?”

“kind of.”

She opened her mouth to speak again but got stopped by the bell ringing. I quickly grabbed my books out my locker and made my way to my first class, Math.

I absolutely hate math. I’m shit at it and don’t understand half the stuff Mrs Marlin says. She’s always hated me because I’m not a suck up like the rest of the class.

“Mrs Antoinette may I please have a word with you?” Mrs marlin asked

I walked up to her desk and waited patiently for her to speak.

“your failing math Cara.” She said disapprovingly.  My eyes went wide with shock. How could I be failing? I know I’m bad but I thought it was enough to scrap past.

“I’ve organised a tutor for you.”

“I don’t need a tutor” I said quickly.

“Cara if you don’t get one you’ll have to stay back next year and not graduate.”

Holy shit. My mom’s going to kill me.

“He’s got the highest grade and works really hard. I think he could help you.”

“okay fine.” I gave in.

“good then. After school meet back here and well sort it out with him okay?”

I nodded and returned to my desk.


The rest of the day was a drag if I must say so myself. I just wanted to know who my tutor was.  Knowing my luck its probably going to be Evan. Yip totally Evan. I knew he was smart, when we were still friends he would always help me out when I wasn’t doing well at school. He had the highest grade in our year.

I made my way towards Mrs Marlins class. I went through the already open door and guess who!


No surprise there.

“your late.” She said

“I know I got lost.”

Evan was quick to jump in. “you’ve been here your whole life.”

“Your point is?” I asked.

He just scoffed and looked back the Mrs Marlin.


After the ‘meeting’ about tutoring which took about 15 minutes, I made my way out the school. I really didn’t feel like walking all the way home today.

Gosh I’m really lazy.

Since I had no other transport home, I began my walk. I walked out the gates of my school and walked through one of the neighbourhoods. This was the rich part of town. Huge mansions on either side of the roads. Majority of kids from my school lived here.  I made my way back home, got my key from my backpack and opened the front door.

My house was an average home, but I loved it. The interior had a lot of dark colours and wooden floors. It always felt comfy.

I dropped my bag on the floor and made my way to the kitchen. No one was home yet so I was alone. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and went to sit on the couch. I turned on the tv and switched to How I Met Your Mother. I loved this show , it always entertained me.

Short chapter' sorry. Just a filler.

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