Trial Part Three

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Madam Defarge- Ok, I would now like to call to the stand the accused for questioning.


Madam Defarge- So Atticus, tell us what you did on the night of the crime.

Atticus- Well it happened like Jem said except for his statement of my actions being in self defence, which is false because I intended to kill John Barsad.


Madam Defarge- Oh please do continue.

Finny- No please Atticus we've discussed this!

Miss Pross (from audience)-[YELLS FROM AUDIENCE] Let the killer confess! Spare him no mercy!

Judge Cruncher- Silence!!! Atticus, continue.

Atticus Finch- I truly meant to kill John Barsad. If it were to be considered an act of self defence it would of had to be in my own defence but I did it out of anger for seeing him hurt my son and I deserve punishment for it.

Finny- He's just saying this because he feels guilty! His crime was in self defence!

Madam Defarge- Judge, silence this man! He's interfering with my questioning of the accused!

Judge Cruncher- Finny, you do not have the right to speak now. Again Atticus would you please continue.

Atticus- Finny, don't attempt to save me from my crime. I must be brought to justice! About two weeks before the night of the crime, I almost lost my children's lives to a drunk man. Seeing John hurt Jem just brought out something horrible in me. I give my most sincere apologies for my actions and I stand ready to face whatever the law deems appropriate punishment for my actions.

While John Barsad did attack me first, I did not believe that he carried the intention to kill me; he just panicked. Subconsciously, I believe I planned for John Barsad to plummet to his death after seeing what he did to Jem, though I don't believe I had it consciously planned at the moment. If only I had run away with Jem at the moment and gotten out of the conflict, this horrible death could have been easily avoided! If I had not pushed him towards the window as hard then he would also still alive. I take full responsibility for my actions.

Madam Defarge- Judge, I now rest.

Finny- Your honor I would now like to call up my second witness, Sydney Carton.


Finny- So Sydney, I take it you were working the night of the crime and witnessed it?

Sydney- Yes I happened to be working that night, normally its my wife who runs the store, she is after all the seamstress but she was at the time on a business trip. Like both Jem and Atticus have already made known I had a few old books I was selling and I took Atticus to the back room so he could have a look at them. Then after a few moments during which Atticus was examining the books we heard Jem scream Atticus's name. Atticus ran into the main room and I followed moments later. When I got there I saw Atticus getting punched in the stomach by John Barsad. What happened later could only been an act of defence, most people in this room if put in his position would have done the same thing. The room was also very dimly lit which has the tendency to make things look more threatening. Despite Atticus's confession I hold no doubt in my mind that he is innocent. Considering all what happened and the fact the he was the one that ordered me to call the police. At least to me that doesn't fit the description of your average cold blooded killer.

Finny- Thank you Sydney, that will be all. Dear people of this beautiful state, the man who stands before you is no cold blooded killer. He lacks the characteristics of a killer. I have yet to meet a cold blooded killer who can announce so sincerely to a court of law that he is guilty of all charges! The only thing that Atticus Finch is guilty of is assigning guilt and blame where it ought not be assigned!

To kill a man is a cruel thing to do, but a crueler thing to do is to send an innocent man to jail. Jail is a place where people get punished, not a place where people punish themselves; at least I'v never heard of such a thing. Atticus Finch is trying to punish himself and we musn't let him. One who is so moral as to ask for punishment for a crime that one could easily escape should not be put in jail! Human society is built on the foundation that good must be rewarded and bad must be punished. Well, if Atticus goes jail having done nothing wrong, it would tear at the very rudiments of human society; this cannot be allowed. Innocent people cannot be allowed to go to jail just as guilty people cannot be allowed to walk free! I rest now your honor.

Madam Defarge- I would now like to call upon my last witness Miss.Pross.


Miss.Pross- Okay, I'm ready to testify against the killer of my brother!

Madam Defarge- [ROLLS EYES WITHOUT MRS.PROSS SEEING] Mrs. Pross, having known your brother for probably your whole life would you say his character description matches the actions that he supposedly took on the 24th?

Miss. Pross- No, never; my brother was a kind man who'd never hurt a soul. This is all rubbish; poor John didn't deserve to die. [STARTS WHIMPERING]

Madam defarge- Mrs.Pross please, so your saying the other witnesses were lying about what happened?

Miss.Pross- They must be because I know that my brother would've never have done what they're saying he did.

Madam Defarge- Thank you Miss.Pross that will be all.

Finny- May I ask question the witness?

Judge Cruncher- There's nothing stopping you.

Finny- Alright Mrs.Pross, I'm sorry but didn't your brother steal all your money and leave you with nothing?

Miss.Pross- Well...yes I suppose he did.

Finny- Wasn't this also the same brother that falsely testified against a man?

Miss.Pross- Yes.

Finny- Also, isn't this the same brother who is also a spy?

Miss.Pross- Yes! Fine. My brother wasn't perfect alright, but he still didn't deserve to be killed!

Finny- I believe my point has been made. Your honor I believe we are done here.

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