Background On Characters

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Jerry Cruncher

Jerry Cruncher decided to give up his old profession of grave digging to become a lawyer. Jerry Cruncher believes that like himself, most people aren't perfect. He wants to dedicate his life to giving people second chances just like he was given. He believes all people can reform their ways. He decided to become a judge to help like others like himself get a second chance to reform themselves. He also believes law can be a little harsh and thinks he can soften it.


Finny has been resurrected from the dead and now resides in heavenly apartments. He has dedicated his life to becoming a lawyer because he has a skill for getting himself and others out of trouble. Though its more then that, he also does it because of his undying faith that most people are good at heart, now he's made it his life mission to prove it. He was hired by the state to represent Atticus. Despite facing an uphill challenge of proving a man innocent who doesn't even believe it himself and isnt afraid to share his feelings in front of the court, he still manages to prove him innocent; driven by his unshaken faith.

Madam Defarge

Madam Defarge has found her one true talent in life, bringing people to justice whether they deserve it or not. She has channeled all her hate and bloodthirst into the legal system and is proving to be a very effective prosecutor. The Atticus case has been the only case she's lost. Madam Defarge is known to be the one to supervise the lethal injections of those who she has sentenced to death. She is feared by defence lawyers all around. If someone wants to get a criminal put away, they know who to turn to.

John Barsad

After witnessing Sydney cartons execution, John Barsad was never the same. He was forced to live in the shadow of what a truly great man was. He, not surprisingly, had developed some bad drinking

and gambling habits leading up to his death. Though he had rekindled some kind of a relationship with his sister, it is mainly for the purpose of mooching money off her to fund his gambling habits. He fell into debt to the wrong kind of people closer to his death. He needed to pay the money off soon and that is why he robbed Cartons Fabric store, partly because he blamed him for his problem in the first place. The rest is history.

Sydney Carton

Sydney Carton is back from the dead with his new wife Mrs.Carton who he was wedded to in heaven. They are currently residing in heavenly apartments. They run a very successful and on the rise fabric store. Mr.Carton will sometimes still work as an attorney but rarely. He is enjoying new married life with the happiness he never experienced in his first life. He has dedicated his second life to being happy himself and helping people. After he witnesses the crime take place and sees Atticus confess, he becomes determined to make it so Atticus does not have to go to jail, despite the fact that he won't be his attorney.


Mrs.Dubose is back from the dead and just as grumpy and horrible as ever. She is currently residing in heavenly apartments. She also seems to be still experiencing symptoms of withdrawal from her drugs. She really could not care whether Atticus goes to jail or not, she just really doesn't want to be there to testify. Mrs.Dubose has also developed a personal hatred for Madam Defarge for dragging her to the court and making her testify.

Miss Pross

Miss Pross still remains to be a selfless strong opinionated young woman who speaks her thoughts. She has finally realized her true calling and now runs her own orphanage. But instead of raising one "Ladybird" she has a whole school full of them. She had recently rekindled a relationship with her alcoholic, retired spy brother. Upon finding out he was killed by Atticus she had her heart set on revenge; all legal of course, Miss Pross's killer days are over. But she was sadly disappointed when Atticus was released free of charge. Though on the bright side now she and Madame Defarge will have some similar ground to bond over; do the ever wish to become friends.

Jem Finch

Jem Finch hasn't changed much he still is becoming a man and trying to follow in the steps of his father. Though he doesn't admit it he is secretly ashamed that he could not have been braver and fought back more when he was attacked. Though he has recently been allowed to join the football team at this school; as he shared while giving his testimony. One positive aspect of the trial for him was seeing that despite the fact that the legal system can be corrupted as he witnessed during the trial for Tom Robinson it can also have good sides too it. Jem is now re-considering becoming a lawyer, his main influence being Finny.

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