Chapter 7 (What...the...hell)

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This is it!! The last chapter, I want to cry, but I won't. Lol.

Thanks for the support I got from this story from the comments/votes/and the people who take their time to read this!!!

I hope this is gonna be a shocking and a surprising ending.

Chapter 7 (What.....the......hell)

It has been months since the incident, when I found out my real first love is actually an ex-con who escaped from prison.

Don't these things usually happen in movies, they are made-up and fake, but not me.

It was all real.

Well Kim came out of the closet, no one at school freaked out abit, neither did his Parents. I should know since he made me go with him.

I sighed.

I hate how I became popular by knowing and seriously getting close to a now dead ex-con.

Aren't I lucky that my morning sickness started when school just finished, my cousin has been starring at me all day.

"I get it!!!", he shouted making Kim and myself jump.

Kim bumped his head against the computer's desk, I laughed despite how ugly I am feeling, my cousin had to yell when his boyfriend was picking up the papers he spilled on the floor undeneath the computer's desk.

This is so ironic.

I am waiting for the director to yell "And cut!!!", but that wasn't happening any time soon.

"Get what?", I managed to say after laughing at Kim.

"Pregnant!!!", I gave him a strange look.

"You know no matter how hard you try, no how Kim tries , you can't get pregnant", from the corner of my eye I saw Kim go beet red.

(A/N:Sorry if I got his name wrong.)

Luse shook his head with a huge smile on his face "Not me, you", I shook my head at him.

"That isn't possible I used to protection".

Luse and Kim starred at me with wide eyes, with their mouths hanging open.

"Guys close your mouths no one is gonna throw you a chip", I giggled.

They immediately did and at the same time they yelled "Who took your Innocence?", I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's no big deal".

"Yes it is!!", Kim was furious.

Ah, Kim.

Always trying to act like my dad, a huge turn off. Good thing he is gay now...

"Alright fine Zaqs did, now that-that is over", Luse covered his boyfriend's mouth, before he pulled him out of the room.

He came back with a smug smile on his face "So let me say, are you sure it didn't-"

"Babe!!! Let me out, why did you lock me in here!!!", I heard Kim yell, while banging on the broom closet's door.

Luse gave me a sincere smile "Shut up!!! Because if not then you are staying in there do you got it!!!", he yelled back.

After three seconds of silence we heard "Yes honey", that had us both laughing.

"So are you sure it didn't bre-..."

"Ew!!! I am not talking about this!!"

"Alrigth then at least take a test for me".

"We don't have one", a wicked smile slipped onto his face. Oh brother.


What. The. Hell!!!!

That self-centered son of a-Argh!!!! I started to throw everything around in my room until Luse stopped me, once I was in his arms I broke down crying.

I am pregnant with his child and he is dead, and that hurts so bad knowing that he'll never be coming back.

Sometime between my break down, I fell asleep and woke up all alone, I sighed.

"Oh well I guess I am gonna have to raise this cute, adorable, or even beautiful, pretty sucker!!", I mumbled to myself, while poking my still flat belly.

In the dark. Yep now I am officially strange, and I don't care.

Something moved from the corner of my bedroom, I heard my heart pounding incredibley fast, and I felt it hitting hard against my chest. I slowly shifted out of my bed, before I slid out of it.

I grabbed the bat from underneath my pillow, the intruder closed in on me, I swung the bat he caught it in his hand, before he yanked me forward.

I struggled against him, and his hand stopped my knee from kneeing him.

"Get out!!"

"No", I froze I know that voice anywhere, he threw my bat.

And in the moonlight he looked sexy as Hell, before he grabbed me and slammed me into the wall. He kissed me hard and passionately, before he threw me on my bed.

Then he crawled on top of me "Be careful", he started to take off his dirty shirt.

"With what?", he started to kiss my neck passionately.

I bit my lip "The baby", that made him stop.

And he looked at me "Are you saying our child".

My eyes watered "Yes, our child", I don't know how he'd react to this.

Zaqs shocked face went into a smirk "I always wanted a child".


"Shhh...don't talk just kiss", and kiss I did.

The next day I woke up to see Zaqs starring at me with love in his eyes "Emarlia".

"Yes?", I flipped myself over to face him, but I somehow managed to lay on top of him instead.

"Run away with me", I smiled.

"Okay", and ran away with him I did.


I am thinking about writing the first part to my story called Influence Intoxication, where she is younger and different looking. Tell me if I should write it.

Sneak peek Summary!! And yes gangsters are involved!!!

Well it basically goes like this poor Xelena isn't ugly looking, but she isn't skinny, anyways she is trying to get over her mothers death that happened a year ago. Well one day she is walking around the streets, and she gets lost after awhile. When she goes to a store a guy pulls her out and throws her on another guy. Literally.

After that her life is full of surprises finding out about territory, learning how to get over loosing someone. And possibly love?

Tell me if I should make it!! It'll be called.

Their Territory (Xelena's red hair)

Goodbye from this story!!! Oh and Emarlia and Zaqs will be in that story all grown up with their child, but what did they have? Find out if you want me to write it. :)

-Sorry for any literature mistakes-


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