Chaper 4 (Intitiating the impossible)

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Sorry for not uploading for a very, very long time. First off my labtop started acting up, then my internet did. And after that I ended up getting hurt by playing soccer. Let me say crutches are not fun.

Anyways moving on.....

Here is the next chapter, most of it will be a filler, I think? So please read!

Sorry to say, but this is another short story of mine. So it won't last long. :(

Chapter 4 (Initiating the impossible)

How, no why-I. I can't form a coherent thought at this moment. One minute I am actually having a normal conversation with Zaqs, and for once I am shocked that he is actually acting civiliazed. But of course he had to ruin it, by saying this. Maybe alittle too smoothly. I should've seen the signs, but when I did it was way too late.

"You seem happy", he gave me a smile that made me feel relieved and at peace. This is great! He isn't angry about me and my new boyfriend! For 2 whole months already. "So you aren't mad?", he put his hands into his jean-pockets.

"No. It's not like I didn't see it coming. But the question is are you happy?", he raised his eyebrow while saying this. I nodded my head without hesitating. "Yes I really am", I let out a soft laugh. I have never been so happy in my entire life!

I never want this feeling to stop.


Two weeks earlier....

By accident I found myself inside of a deserted classroom, for a prank I want to pull on Zaqs. Okay, maybe it is not by accident. Hehe.

"Kim?", his presence startled me.

"What are you doing in here? No want I meant was-"

"Go out with me, Emarlia?", my heart skipped a beat.


"I know that it's so sudden, and crazy bu-...", I wrapped my arms around him.

"Okay", I let out a small laugh.

"I will", he brushed his warm-soft lips against mine. "We should just get together if we are gonna kiss", I giggled.

"Okay", and then he gave me a long-lovely kiss. Hearing something break, we pull away from each other, and then we looked back to see Zaqs walking off.

"What happened?", I shrugged before I turned my attention back to Kim.

"Beats me", and I kissed him once again. That happened two weeks ago, but since time goes by fast-let's say that we've been together for two whole months. The play fights between me and Zaqs, has died down. I could care less.

But maybe that was the problem, I forgot about him.

(A/N:Coolcatsz422~~Yep. I was shocked too, when I was typing this out. XD)

*End Of Flashback*

"That is fantastic. Hmmm....No I probably shouldn't".

I was starting to get suspiscious. "You shouldn't what?", he smirked.

"I think you have lost your touch Emarlia", since when did he call me by my first name?

No, my- Oh never mind!

"What touch?"

"Wow!", he laughed making me alittle angry. "You actually did. So your boyfriend made you forget everything. Now I run the school hun".


"Yep. So lets stop this conversation now-"

"Nah-ah. What are you implying Zaqs?"

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