Chapter 6 (Why HIs Secret Drives Me Insane)

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Well the secret was that he-was deeply in love with her, like she was with him. But his biggest secret is about to be revealed!! So please keep reading to find out!!

Thanks for all of the support I got from this story, I believe there is one or two chapters left, but I am positive it'll be one.

I loved the vootes and comments!!! It had me keep writing!! Well typing in this case.

Chapter 6 (Why his secret drives me insane)

Is it possible to sleep like a baby, when you make love with the person you accidentally fell in love with?

If it isn't I just made it that way. I open my eyes, and I flip myself over and the smile on my face falls.

Where is Zaqs?

Why did he live?

His bedroom door opens up and in he come in, he smiles at me weakly "Here I bought you some clothes from the store, I hope you like them", he placed the bag on the bed, before he walks out.

I guess this is his way of telling me to take a bath and get ready, I wonder where he is taking me?

Grabbing the bag, I took it to his second bathroom that is across from his closet, I walked inside of it. I set the bag on the counter, I slid off my clothes, before I got in the shower and took a bath. After doing my buissness by drying off and changing, I brushed my teeth with a tooth brush he bought me too.

I wonder what the occassion is?

He bought me expensive clothes, why?

He doesn't have to buy my love, I hope he knows that. I put my dirty clothes in the bag, before I walked back out into his room.

I could hear the T.V. on in the living room so I dropped the bag onto the floor beside the door, before I walked my happy arse out into the living room. Was the channel on the news?

Zaqs quickly turned it off, when I walked in. I gave him a questioning look, he shrugged it off. "Lets take a walk", I didn't like the sound of his voice, not able to speak I nodded my head.


Now we where far away from his house, and far away from where I live, we were so far that I had no idea hwhere we are now.

Where is he taking me?

We have been walking in silence forever.

About to speak I see a cop running our way "Hey you stop!!", he put his right hand on his gun, my eyes went wide. Why is he trying to shoot us, scared out of my mind I look to my left to see Zaqs gone.

I look straight ahead to see him chraging at the cop, shocked I stood still and watch him tackle the cop onto the floor, and brutually knock him out. By many punchs to his face.

"Stop!!!", my voice sounded so strange to me Zaqs took the cops walkie-talkie, he jumped off of him, before he marched up to me. Shaking I started to walk backwards I tried to runaway, but he was too fast for me.

I could've out run him, but I was moving too slow.

"Em, we aren't done walking", and with his hands on my shoulders he turned me back around and walked me to wherever we are going.


Sometime later he took me to a deserted once five star restraurant, he broke a window, before he made me go in with him, we walked for hours. I still don't get this. What's going on?

His Secret Drives me insane (Eternall Love)Where stories live. Discover now