The Start

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Cassie POV

I'm driving down the road listening to the radio when a car speeds by me and my tire blows out. "Great." I think to myself. I get out of my car and call my mom. "Cassie, are you ok?" "Yeah, I just got a flat tire." "Did you call Triple A?" She asks and I laugh " Mom, I know how to change a tire." "I'm on my way." "Oh good idea, take your car. Oh wait, It has a flat." I say and my mom laughs. "Seriously mom, I got it." I say and the line goes fuzzy. 'That's weird' I think and begin to change the tire.

Cassie's mom POV

"Cassie?" I ask through the phone, when it goes dead. I put the phone down as water comes from the sink. I turn around to also see the stove on fire. 'What is happening?' I think and run to turn it off. I turn to the sink but the stove went on fire again. It grew bigger and spread through the kitchen. I slip on the wet floor and everything goes black.

Cassie POV

I'm down my street when I see a huge fire and flashing lights. I get out of my car and run up to my driveway. "What happened? Where's my mom?" I ask the Fire Chief. "Do you live here?" He asks and I nod asking again. "Where is my mom?"

Three days later

I pull up to my grandmas house in Chance Harbor and she greets me with a hug. "Oh Cassie." She says and leads me inside. She leads me upstairs to my room. "This was my moms room, wasn't it?" I ask and she nods. "Ill be downstairs." She says and leaves me alone. I sigh and lay on the bed. I look up at the sealing and see glow in the dark stars. It brings a smile to my face remembering how much my mom loved the night Sky.

Diana POV

"The new girl, I think her name is Cassie, has to be the sixth. Her last name is Blake right?" I ask Faye but she is too busy talking to Melissa. "Faye!" I say and she turns around. "Why do you even care. We don't need another goodie goodie in our group." She says and Melissa laughs. "Hey, her mother died. Give her a break." Adam says walking over grabbing my hand. "Whatever, that's her problem not ours. Now you two lovebirds go somewhere else and be disgusting." Faye says and again Melissa laughs.

"Hey, if she is the sixth, then we need to bind the circle. If we don't we could hurt ourselves or someone else." I say and they nod. "So, how are we going to tell her?" Jake says walking up behind us. "You're drunk." "You're so smart." He says sarcastically. "look I know your brother died, but this isn't going to help." Adam says and they go into a staring contest.

"Will you two stop acting like kids. We are witches, We have power everyone dreams of. Plus, I have an idea." Faye says and smiles. Great, this isn't going to be good. "Relax Diana." Melissa says and looks at Faye. "Its actually a good plan." " Well are you going to tell us it or not?" Jake asks and stumbles closer to Faye and she smiles at him.

Cassie POV

Nothings the same. Every night before I go to sleep, I see the stars above my bed, and I think of my mom. Every where I look something reminds me of her. 'Why would this happen to her? Who would...' I get pulled from my thoughts by my grandma. "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah, I guess." she sits next to me on my bed. "I know its hard, and I don't expect you to just continue your life. Its been three days and you start school tomorrow. I just need you to promise, you wont do anything to act out because you feel alone." My grandma says. "Grandma I'm not alone, I still have you." I say and she smiles.

Well, that's the first chapter of my new book. Let me know what you think and any suggestions you have.

p.s. I will be writing a second book to Clarke of The Grounders, Just after this book.-Stephanie

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