Chapter 7: the help of Kurapika

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'And the person at left is......... Unfortunately....'sigh'..... Killua.... Of course that just had to happen!!' You thought very aggressively. 'I thought this was supposed to be good luck! This is certainly not good luck!! I'm not sitting by Killua, ill just have to sit on the floor.' You thought once again very and I mean very aggressively. You then sit on the floor and get out your scribbler and start doodling, why you ask, because you love to draw kinda cartoon or anime kinda drawings, you just think their sooo cute!

And of course the teacher had to interrupt your cartoon drawing right when you were adding the final touch to your master piece. "(Y/n)! What do you think your doing!?"

"We'll I was adding the finishing touches to my drawing but I was interrupted by somebody." You heard a few giggles and chuckles from the students but one of the was all too familiar, it was Killua's you thought his laugh was so adorable! It might even be more cute than my cartoon drawings and thoses ate pretty damn cut! She was snapped out of her thoughts by none other than her teacher.

"(Y/n)! It's not funny go to your seat by neon and Killua!"

"I'd rather not if you may let me stay on the floor I will apologize, pleaaaasssseeee."

"Why do you want to stay on the floor so much I'm sure your just being rude like the invite little student you are! Now go to your seat! NOW." Her teacher sounded furious now, no one ever for her this mad before, and it's really bad to get her like this. I guess I have no choice but to do what she sais, 'stupid teacher!!!' Were your last thoughts before slowly heading to your seat beside neon and....... Killua.

Once you made it there you put your earphones in and tried to ignore everything in the class and focus on your cartoon anime drawing, right now you were listening to 21 guns by green day and drawing a police anime girl with a gun in her hands leaning against a wall/door as if she were waiting for the right minute open fire at her enemy. You thought it was pretty cool! But you were interrupted from your admiring by a tap on your right shoulder, thank goodness. You look over to see neon with her hand still on your shoulder about to ask a question so you took out one earphone and went in a listening kind of position facing her.

"Your really good at drawing can you teach me sometime, I'd really like to learn how, pleeeeaaaassssseeee, pretty pretty pretty pllleeaaasssseee." Neon asked in a quiet yet begging tone.

"Sure I'd love to, when would you like to start?"

"Is today ok? Maybe at lunch does that sound okay?"

"Ya I'm free today at lunch."

"I really would have thought you would sit with Gon and Killua today, after all you just met back up last Friday."

"Ya well something happened during the weekend and I don't really want to be near Killua at ALL, even if that means avoiding Gon too."

"Ya but still why are you avoiding him, he seemed nice to me."

"It's not that he's not nice, we actually have a lot in common, like we both love sweets especially chocolate and we both act the same, we also both enjoy each others company and everything."

"Then why avoid him?" Neon asked as she reads a paper that Killua is holding up it sais 'help me, talk to me after classes on free period. Thanks.' He then seated himself back down and went back to reading the board an writing.

"Because we were playing truth and dare at a water park, it was me, Gon, Kurapika and leorio. So Kurapika asked Me if I liked anyone and I admitted who I liked, no loved. Gon didn't say that he invited Killua to the water park too so when I admitted my feeling towards him he was right behind me and now I'm too scared, nervous, and everything above to even get close to him, right now I'm dying inside!" You whisper yelled.

Screw up or good luck (killua x reader)Where stories live. Discover now