Wrong Choices

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Mark POV

Pregnant ? Fucking pregnant, what the hell is this some joke ? No she's not pregnant, I'm not ready.

Looking around my surroundings I realize I'm in the woods. My wolf begins to howl feeling stressed with the need to run.

With out a second thought I transform my bones cracking as my silver gray hair starts to come in. I let out a low howl and take off thinking about every thing.

-Later That Day-

Emily didn't want to go home that night, who was I to force her. She's been acting strange and very quiet the whole night I got nervous. Was it something I did ? Was she on her period ? Ewwww what if she is. Yikes. Emily must have seen my face because she giggled and rubbed my forehead smoothing out the worry lines.

"You know babe when you stress the worry lines become per- " she was cut off buy another round of vomit and rushes to the bathroom. Signing I got up and followed her to the bathroom but before I stepped in she requested her bag from the pharmacy so I grabbed it feeling something weird.

Passing it to her she asked me to give her a moment reluctantly I nodded my head shutting the bathroom door.

2 minuets later I heard the bathroom door click. Snapping my head to the door I watch it slowly open. Once the door fully opened Emily slowly looked up tears in her eyes and one hand behind her back.

The only thing I could think was 'Holy shit'......

I panicked and left out slamming the door. What was I supposed to say ? I'm not ready for this, I may be very mature, even older than my alpha, but I am not and I repeat AM.NOT.FATHER.MATERIAL.
.... I can see it now.

I would never be good enough to give Emily every thing she needs. God I love the girl but, I mean come on. Why she even let me go in raw, I mean don't get me wrong it felt so....

I cut my self of quickly and jumped on to a different train in my thoughts. Like what would my father think. My mom would be ecstatic, but dad always wanted me to wait like he did with my mom.

In some way Emily and I remind me of mom and dad. My mom and her sandy blond hair and blue green eyes while Emily has naturally light blond hair and bright blue eyes. Their both beautiful, while I look exactly like dad with my chocolate brown eyes and hair.

But besides looks mom and dad were in this same predicament. Maybe that's why dad wants me to wait to have kids. Oh Mark your such a idiot I thought to my self. Like come on dude you-...

Stopping dead in my tracks I sniffed the air smelling a strong scent and I new exactly who it was.

Slowly I turned to face him looking down. I'm guessing he heard the news. Geez he's going to kill me for running out on her.

"Yes Alpha" I asked glurping and he let loose an low growl.

Oh God, not today.

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