When Lust Takes Over

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(Picture of Emily Rodriguez To The Side)

Mark POV

After watching my Luna blush over my alpha I pulled her cute little friend away with me holding her small little hand.

"So tell me what's your name?" I asked her leading us to a empty room.

"Emliy Rodriguez , but call me Emy." she answered smiling brightly.

"Well Emy since your here I figure you know about wolfs? And that your beautiful self are to my mate." I said grinning at her with love in my eyes.

" yes i know what you are and what I am to you I can literally feel the pull and the lust for you" she purred grabbing the colour of my shirt pushing me to the wall.

I growled pulling her head back by her hair attacking her neck. She moaned snatching my shirt off.

"Mmm eager aren't you?" I asked winking at her. She seemed to snap out of her daze blushing

"oh I'm so sorry I'm just about to jump your bones and you probably don't want that and I'm babbling now and oh god I.." I cut her off kissing her lips and snatched her last bit of clothes away.

"Mm that was good" Emy's sleepy voice said . She was currently laying on my chest coming down from her high.

Her face all red, hair stuck to her head and face, my mark on her shoulder. She was just beautiful.

"Hey Mark!" My alpha mind linked me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah Jake... I mean Alpha" I mentally slapped my self for the name slip up.

"Watch it beta learn your place. but any who did you by any chance tap that?" he asked laughing a bit.

"Yeah duh how could I not this girl is wild. only one thing I regret though Alpha" I mubbled in my head to him.

"And what is that my Beta?" I breathed out and said the most stupidest thing I could.

"I didn't use a condom.".......

( Cue the scary music Dun Dun Dunnnnn!)

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