-1- Invitations

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There is a new girl at school.

Not that I've seen her- Raven told me. She hasn't seen her either. She found out through Hunter, who found out through Dexter, who found out through Daring, who found out through Ashylnn... Yeah, I think you get the drill...

I don't know much about the girl, to be honest. Raven gave me the basics- her name is Gossamer Silk, daughter of Webbed Silk, who neither I nor Raven (or really anyone at Ever After, from what she told me) have ever heard of. She transferred from Monster High, and that is where the details end. Not very specific, huh?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The frantic- and incredibly annoying- beeping from my phone breaks my train of thoughts. I snatch my phone from my bedside table, not bothering to check the caller ID before I pickup.

"Hey, Ri," Raven says through the phone.

"Nice to hear from you Rae. Been a long time, right- oh, wait, no... didn't we talk..." I tap my finger against my chin thoughtfully, as if Raven could see me. "ten minutes ago? Oh, my mistake. Eleven minutes ago."

I can hear Raven laugh before she continues. "Well, news for you. Dexter 'arranged' something with the new girl and invited some others, including you. Care to come along?"

"The new girl Gossamer?" I ask, dodging her question. I know I have to deal with the growing pile of assignments and papers on my desk.

"There's only one new girl, right?" Raven pauses for a second, and I'm about to tell her I can't go, when she speaks again. "And by 'he invited some others', I mean, 'Hunter will be there too'."

I sigh. She knows me too well. "You didn't have to say that you know. You would have been able to convince me to go, with you're evil, mystical powers..." I joke and Raven snorts.

"Right, so evil. You're just a sucker for Hunter." Raven rattles off the dates and times. "It's at the Haberdashery, so, yeah. I'm glad you can make it."

Raven is the only one who knows I have a massive crush on Hunter. She's the most trustworthiest of all trustworthies... Wait, that makes no sense...

"Anything for a friend..." I smirk.

"You mean a guy?"

"Hey, don't you need a wing girl? Last time I checked, you have it bad for Dexter."

Raven groans, mostly because she knows I'm right. "Seriously, though, glad you can make it. Knowing you, you probably have five times more assignments to complete than me. And I have, let's see, maybe, thirteen assignments I haven't even started yet?"

I do the maths in my head, for once wishing we had normal subjects. "Make that six times more assignments than you," I joke, and Raven giggles. We say our goodbyes before hanging up, and I decide to get ready.

I pull my hood over my head when I leave the house, even if there is a tonne of trees that separate us from the street. Guess it's a habit.

Just as I'm stepping down the porch steps, my phone rings again. Expecting Raven, I greet the caller with-

"Hey, Rae! I'm leaving the house now-"

"Uh, it's Hunter," the caller interrupts. I swear, a little part inside of me dies- in a good way and a bad way. Good way- Hunter is calling me. Bad way- Hunter is calling me and I have totally embarrassed myself.

"Did I ever tell you you sounded like a girl, Hunter?" I ask, laughing. I can tell my voice sound really pitchy, but hopefully he doesn't notice. Or realize that he hadn't actually said anything.

Hunter snorts, which is incredibly cute. "No... Well, anyway, I was just calling to ask if you want to go to the Haberdashery with me and Raven and Dexter and the new girl. Apparently, Raven beat me to it."

"Yeah, Raven told me," I say, trying to ignore the fact that Hunter wants me to go to the Haberdashery with me. "So I'll see you there, hey?"

"Definitely," Hunter replies, and I hang up. Wait, was I supposed to say goodbye? Face palm. I am so screwed up.

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