-13- The True Meaning of 'We Need to Talk'

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"Cerise, I love you."

Oh. Oh. My. God. Oh my god. Oh. My God. God. God. God. Oh... I wonder if I'm blushing, but quickly dismiss the thought- I've frozen, and it feels like all the blood in my veins has frozen too.

Suddenly all uncertainty leaves his expression and he smiles confidently. It's an adorable smile. "And I know you love me too."

I am about to leap up and hug him, maybe squeal, but then somebody slides into the seat next to Hunter.

Gossamer. "Did I miss anything?" She asks, smiling at Hunter. He squirms uncomfortably in his seat.

"Yeah," I snarl. Now that I know Hunter likes me, and he knows I like him, he'll have to break up with Gossamer! "Hunter was just telling me-"

"-nothing!" he interrupts quickly. "Nothing. You missed nothing." He doesn't look me in the eye- he stares at his hands which are lying limply in his lap.

Gossamer's smile widens and she looks pointedly at me. Upon my presumably crestfallen face, her lips part to reveal two rows of incredibly sharp, shiny teeth. Almost fangs.

My eyes begin to water as I return my gaze to Hunter, who still doesn't look at me. "Hunter, aren't you going to tell her?" Gossamer's expression becomes mock hurt. She stares at Hunter accusingly.

"What? You aren't tell me something, honey-boo?" she asks. He finally looks up.

"We were just talking about... about..." I look at him encouragingly, and smile slightly- apologetically. Like he's done something wrong. Or he's' about to do something wrong. "Nothing."

Gossamer pouts. "Aww, you're keeping secrets? Well, I'll forgive you. If you come with me now. Let's hangout. Like a date!"

My amazing mood has just dropped, and my mind is so unclear I have no time to stop Hunter as he smiles sadly at me and leaves with Gossamer. I have no idea what has just happened- first Hunter tells me he loves me, and then the next moment, he's leaving with Gossamer for a date. I'm not sure right now who I hate more- Hunter, or Gossamer. I settle on Gossamer- my hatred for Hunter will probably be more momentary.

My hatred for Gossamer, however, could last a lifetime.

A few minutes later, Raven and Dexter walk into the shop. The moment Raven sees me, she rushes towards me.

"What? Where's Hunter? Where's Gossamer?"

I look up at her accusingly. "Where have you been? Why did you let Gossamer inside?"

She looks at her feet. "Well, Dexter came and I was talking to him and I guess I didn't really see Gossamer..."

I see Dexter standing besides her and holding her hand. There's a flower tucked behind Raven's ear that wasn't there before. We all sort of stand (and in my case, sit) in silence, until a light bulb goes off in Raven's head. "So," she begins, her voice dripping with concern. "If Hunter and Gossamer left... and we don't know where they are... does that mean-"

I finish her sentence. "Gossamer's got Hunter."


Hey guys! I'm sorry to say this book is going to come to an end very soon. There are probably about two, three or four chapters left- but so you know, I am planning a sequel! Yay!

Well, I can't believe this chapter ended this way, and let's just say I did not expect it. I might be writing this story, but it seems to have a mind of it's own.

Anyway, keep reading! I know this chapter wasn't that long, and I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of any other way to end it!

xxx, WolfofCerise

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