-3- New Girl in the Corner

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Raven wears her hat the entire walk to Hocus Latte.

It looks great on her, and it was super cute when Dexter gave it to her. Like, super, super cute.

Me- I'm wearing my top hat, that Hunter told me was really cute- twice- and as we walk towards Hocus Latte, I keep having to adjust it so it doesn't press down on my ears. I try to tuck it behind them, and finally, it works.

The stree is busy, and we all have to squish together so we can fit on the sidewalk, so I'm stuck next to Hunter- and I say it like it's a bad thing, but really, it's not, it's just I am literally stuck to him, we are so close. That sounds creepy and obsessive, doesn't it? Yeah, I'll shut up now.

"Hey, I bet she's a total Goth and all," Hunter laughs. We're all debating her traits, and what we think she'll look like. "Maybe has a tattoo. Of a spider. Maybe even a tattoo of a tattoo," which makes no sense, but I giggle anyway.

"Nah... Probably has pink hair and wears silky clothes. Not a Goth," Raven suggest, which makes Dexter shake his head, and his hair falls in front of his eyes. Next to me, Raven's eyes go wide like she's a little kid on Christmas morning. I nudge her with my elbow, and she manages to get it together.

"Silky pink clothes," he laughs.

"Are you mocking me?" Raven asks, and he smiles this small smile that we all know means 'yes'.

I speak up. "I'm gonna go with Raven, only one thing to add- she had pink hair in pigtail plaits." Which makes us all laugh- hard. I'm glad we aren't at the Hocus Latte, drinking milkshakes, because if the milk came out of my nose in front of Hunter, I would die.

 Hunter is about to add something to the list when a Dexter's phone beeps.

He takes it out of his pocket and checks the screen and adjusts his glasses, smirks, then holds it up for all of us to see. It's a photo of a girl, walking towards the camera.

She has long legs, like really long legs. Her almond-shaped eyes are grey, almost dark grey, and her charcoal colored hair falls to her knees. She's wearing an ebony colored dress that hangs around her waste, with black tights and shiny boots, along with gloves that seem too loose. She has pale skin and cherry colored lips, accompanied with a sweet smile. She's watching something behind the camera, probably whoever took the photo.

"Daring just sent me this," Dexter says immediately, and Raven giggles, for what reason, I have no idea.

"Why does Daring have a photo of Gossamer?" Hunter asks, and we all turn to him, eyebrows raised, as if to say do you seriously want to ask that?

"Knowing him, he was probably hitting on her before he knew her name," Raven jokes, but it isn't much of a joke, because it's probably the truth.

"Knowing him, he was probably declaring his love for her before he even saw her," Hunter says.

"How does that work?" I ask, and Hunter's face flushes and we're all in stitches again, laughing until I've stopped walking, and I'm doubling over, along with the others, which probably looks really weird to the outsiders.

When we start moving again, we round a corner and the Hocus Latte comes in to view, and Raven and I rush towards it. I can practically taste the chocolate milkshake with its bubbly, minty foam...

Raven and I barge inside and a small bell above the door rings. Dexter and Hunter are close behind, and soon the four of us are standing in the entryway. I'm anticipating the drinks, but I think the other three are more focused on the girl sitting in the corner booth.

It takes me a second to realize that's her. She looks much different from the photo, mostly because she isn't smiling, and looks more tense than anything. She's hunched in the booth, her ghostly white hand and long fingers wrapped around a clear glass of water.

Dexter and Hunter walk towards her, and Raven and I follow. The booth is really only made for three- two on one side, one on the other- so Hunter and I drag two wooden chairs from an unoccupied table, and Dexter and Raven sit together. Finally, the girl- Gossamer- looks up from the table.

"Hey," she squeaks, "I'm, uh, waiting for some people..."

And then suddenly, her eyes flash. Gold.

It's kind of like when I want someone to back off. I guess they find it intimidating. But when I see this girl, and the way her teeth are just that smidgen sharper, and the way her long, wavy hair covers her ears, I draw my own conclusion.

She is the daughter of a wolf.

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