-12- Hunter and the Haberdashery

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"So, where can we meet?"

Part of my heart still flutters at the sound of Hunter's voice, but I manage to push it down. "Um, how about the Haberdashery?" I say the first place that comes to mind.

I glance across the room at Raven, who's listening intently.

"Right, well, I'll see you there," Hunter says, almost eagerly.

"Yeah. See you," I say halfheartedly. Normally I'd be jumping up and down at a chance to meet with Hunter, but I can't fathom enough excitement. Not while I am literally standing in the spider's web.

Raven and I had successfully managed to break the threshold of Gossamer's room, and searched it as thoroughly yet discreetly as possible- well at least that's what the plan was, although it didn't really work well. Now, standing in the midst of Gossamer's overturned room, a pit begins to form at the bottom of the stomach. A feeling of hopelessness and dread.

Raven smiles encouragingly, thinking my nerves are about my soon to come meeting with Hunter.

"Okay," I say, my voice barely audible. "Let's go."

I turn to the window, but Raven grabs my arm. "Not looking like that," she says disapprovingly. I arch an eyebrow, but she just shrugs. She waves her hand and suddenly I'm all dressed up- in a sparkly red hood, my hair in two plaits that carefully obscure my ears, a black lace skirt, tights and a ruffled black singlet. And my shoes- Dorthy in Oz, red glitter covered shoes.

I thank Raven, and she mumbles modestly as we climb out the window, and I'm careful not to tear my outfit.

As Raven and I trek through the woods to town, I think of everything leading up to my phone call with Hunter. Raven and I had been standing in the Gossamer's room when my phone started ringing. I answered quickly, before any of the spiders could follow the sound.

"Hello?" my voice was shaky, and once again, I'd forgotten to check the ID caller before answering. Stupid spiders.

"Hey, is this you, Cerise?" Hunter asked. "Are you okay? Where are you?" He sounded genuinely concerned and my heart fluttered momentarily.

"Yeah, Hunter. I'm okay," I reply, dodging his question. At the mention of Hunter's name, Raven's eyes snap up to meet mine, and I know we're thinking the same thing- he's safe. Gossamer hasn't gotten to him. Yet.

She digs around in her bag as Hunter and I begin a conversation about school. Raven pulls out a notepad and scribbles something on it in black ink. She holds up the paper to my face, and I read it.

Meet him somewhere.

I shoot daggers at Raven, but I know she's right- just because Gossamer isn't with him now, doesn't mean she won't be soon. It would help if I had proof that Gossamer was evil, proof I would gain from searching her room, but that didn't turn out so well.

"Hey, Hunter, do you wanna... go out some time?"

I expect him to refuse, but he doesn't. And soon we've made a plan to meet in half an hour (though I think it will take me at least an hour to get ready and get to the Haberdashery). I hang up, and the rest, as you know, is history.

Hunter's already waiting in a booth by the time I get there. I can tell he's nervous- we haven't really spoken since the group outing disaster. Now that I think about it- they never actually told us why they were late...

He's sitting in the corner booth. I approach him slowly. I glance out the window to my right to see Raven smile encouragingly, giving me an overenthusiastic grin. I take a deep breath as I slide into the red leather seat opposite him.

When he sees me, his face lights up and despite everything with Gossamer, I feel myself smiling too. What can I say? His smile is infectious.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey," I reply breathily. I glance around nervously and my eyes land on the chocolate milkshake in front of me.

Hunter follows my gaze. "Sorry, I got thirsty waiting."

I grimace. "Um, yeah... I was at the school-" I don't apologize for being late- considering how he left Raven and I 

"-isn't the school under lock down or something?"

"Er, I..." I try to think of an excuse." Oh, I was waiting for... uh..."

Hunter smiles understandingly. "Don't worry. It's fine."

A waitress arrives, asking us if we want anything. I order a hot chocolate (it's a surprisingly cold Autumn afternoon) with extra extra cream and Hunter gets a chocolate Belgium waffle. Just the name makes my mouth water. Hunter and I continue talking until the waitress comes back with our orders. I open the plastic packet of biscuits that came with the hot chocolate and start dipping it in the scalding hot liquid.

"Hey, um, we need to talk..." Hunter begins.

"About what?" I ask, having no idea what he's talking about.

He fidgets. "About... Gossamer."

I almost choke on my soggy biscuit and have to take sip of the burning chocolate to get it down, which then practically sets my throat on fire, and Hunter has to give me some of his chocolate milkshake. I feel my cheeks flush red- and not from the heat of the hot chocolate- as I sip through Hunter's relentlessly chewed straw. A part of me finds it adorable that Hunter chews is straws, but I'm mostly filled with embarrassment.

"Wh-what?!" I screech, my voice too high pitched. "I mean, I have n-no idea..." I suddenly realize what he means- he wants me to tell her about her likes and dislikes. I mean, they are practically dating. I feel like my heart has just been torn out, trampled and shoved back down my throat. My eyes begin to water and I try to hide my face with the hood Raven had given me. I gulp and attempt to compose myself. "I... have no idea," I repeat, this time my voice less pitchy. "I mean, I don't no what she likes or anything. You'd be better off asking Raven or Dexter or something-"

Hunter cuts me off. "No, I don't mean that. It's just, when I saw you that day when Gossamer asked me out..." the words make me want to flinch. "I wanted to- I wanted to... I didn't want to go out with her... I was actually planning on asking you..."


Well, that failed horribly. I am so sorry the regular updates didn't work out, so I decided that this weekend, I'll try and update TWO Hunter-included extra-long chapters just for you guys (maybe even three :D)! Sorry, I know we haven't seen him in a while, so here he is!

Yay!! :D

xxx, WolfofCerise

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