-9- On Alert

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When I finally drag myself off the floor the next morning, I prepare- mentally and physically- for school. I make my way to the door, donning my coat and boots. I turn the door knob and open the door nervously, like I'm expecting a massive, snapping, gnarling wolf to lunge at me the moment I do. Which is, more or less, true.

But when I open the door, nothing's there.

Of course there isn't, C. You're overreacting. It's not like Gossamer could've actually been in your room last night. Could she?

Shaking my head slightly, I step outside. The air smells slightly of pine, and slightly of wet fur. Probably Dad's, I assure myself. Immediately my mind flicks back to the dream, and Gossamer outside my window. I shudder, and finger the locket around my neck tensely. I try to clear my mind by focusing on the little details- anything but Gossamer.

As I trek through the woods, I notice the slight mist of rain drops enveloping the trees. It's hard that from the thunder storm only a few hours ago came nothing more than fog. For a second I wonder if it had all been one massive dream- that seeing Gossamer outside my window was part of the nightmare, along with the storm. But then again, I had woken up on my floor- and the earth beneath my boots had been softened by heavy rain. Still- it doesn't seem right... I bet it's just the Gossamer thing playing with my mind.

When I make it to the school gates, I feel somewhat relieved. After walking alone through the woods, instead of feeling the calm, relaxing sensation it usually gives me, I felt jitters constantly running down my spine, and the feeling like I was being watched. Gossamer had gotten under my skin. Not healthy.

As I make my way to class, almost running because I'm incredibly late, I make a last minute decision to check my room. If Gossamer was in my room while Raven slept, she could've done anything- taken anything, read anything... Maybe she knows that I know that she's a wolf.

Shuddering at the thought of Gossamer going through my things, I barge open my door, expecting a whirlwind of my belongings on the floor, my diary flipped open atop my bed, covers strewn all over the place, possibly blood-

-but there's nothing.

Everything is in it's right place. Nothing only the floor, no bed tipped on it's side. No blood splattered across the wall like it's a crime scene or a set from a horror movie.

I take a step inside, and spin in circles out of shock. Everything is just how I left it yesterday- even the bed spreads in the exact same heap they were in when I woke up the morning before, which couldn't be possible if Gossamer had slept here. I shudder, once again getting the 'you're-being-watched' sensation. The scent of wolf lingers in the air, which any other day I would assume is mine, but it smells foreign, strange and unfamiliar.

Wanting to get away from this room, I spin on my heel, about to run, when something catches my eye, half-buried in the rug. I bend over and my fingers skim over it before I pick it up. I stare at it, the black metal feeling cool against my fingertips. I recognize it immediately; the black key to the recently installed lock- the one I got for my diary after I caught Sparrow reading it.

There is no doubt- Gossamer read my diary.

After bolting out of my room and sprinting all the way to class, it's now lunch. I stalk out of the room and through the bursting halls, trying to find Hunter, Raven and Dexter, and keep an eye out for Gossamer. I haven't seen her all morning, and it's starting to freak me out. I guess it isn't entirely unusual considering she's not in any of my morning classes and I arrived to school late.

I see Hunter leaning casually against a locker next to Raven as they wait patiently for Dexter to unload all his books from his bag. I approach them cautiously, not sure whether to take it as a good thing or a bad thing that Gossamer is nowhere to be found. I suppose she is truly like a spider that way- they're scary when you can seem them but even worse when you can't.

Hunter grins when he see me, and I can't help but think of how much he resembles a cute puppy. I am still hurt from the day before, but I decide to put it behind me until we get a chance to talk alone.

"Hey Cerise!" He calls, waving. I can tell he's kind of nervous as I approach them. Raven turns her head slightly and smiles, skipping to meet me. She's beaming, from ear to ear. When she meets me a few metres away from the others she shoots me a 'we need to talk' look. The good kind.

I relax, trying to forget about Gossamer.

But I keep seeing her out of the corner of my eye, in windows during classes, standing- or hiding- behind other students. I know it can't be her- Raven received a text from Gossamer this morning saying she wouldn't be at school, but not why. Suspicious, isn't it? Only, Raven claims it's probably personal; maybe a funeral or something or other.

But I can tell she's almost as jittery as I am, glancing over her shoulder every now and then. She's scared too, only she doesn't show it. She's too happy too seem worried or frightened, and she tells me later during class that it's because Dexter asked her on a 'study date', which of course she said yes to.

"C," Raven says as we're walking alongside to our next class. She's blushing like crazy, and I know she's going to ask about Dexter. It's strange to see Raven so- smitten. Like somebody has cast some sort of puppy love spell on her.

"Yeah Rae?" I say, distracted.

"Do you think Dexter likes me?"

"Sure," I say, unenthusiastic. I know that it sounds very unconvincing, even though it's true, but I'm too jumpy to really be excited.

She stares at her feet, her smile slightly smaller than before. I feel bad and I'm about say something when we round a corner and come face to face with a snarling Gossamer, her eyes flashing gold and teeth bared.

She opens her mouth and snaps hers jaws, and says;

"Where have you been Cerise? I've been looking all over for you..."

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