-11- The Mystery of Gossamer Silk's Whereabouts- Part 2

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"Isn't it a little... I don't know, suspicious?" Raven asks quietly as we stand before the closed gates of Ever After High. Above us, the sky is an ominous dark grey, and I can tell we're due for another storm.

I glance sideways at her before returning my gaze to the iron fence. "What is?"

She hesitates. "That the spiders were freed from their cages. Please note, Gossamer supposedly has a spidery heritage."

"You think it might be a warning?" I reply, feeling knots forming in my stomach.

Raven nods solemnly, and the silence hangs uneasily in the air. After a few moments, I speak up.

"Well," I say, stepping towards the gate that stands between us and the school. "Let's do this."


"All students proceed in an orderly fashion to the front entrance. Please remain calm. All students proceed in an orderly fashion to the front entrance. Please remain calm. All students procee-"

The robotic voice wafting through the speakers is cut short by the screams of teenagers running through the halls. Raven gives me a worried look, and she stops a passing student, asking her what's going on.

"The spiders!" Apple shrieks hysterically. "Giant mutant spiders were set loose! We are going to die!" she screams before continuing down the hall, re-joining the crowd of frenzied teens. They're all heading in the same direction Gossamer disappeared in just a few minutes ago.

After people noticed the colossal, monstrous spiders roaming around the school, an evacuation was called for. Students staying back to study, spending the night, hanging out with friends and the few stragglers left immediately. Nobody had been bitten.

But there is a problem- Raven and I need information on Gossamer, and we decided to seize the opportunity, with the school empty (asides from the mutant arachnids) and nobody around to catch us.

As Raven and I prepare to scale the gate, I don the black gloves and hood I had brought from my house when we went back to get supplies. On my back is a bag holding a crowbar, rope, a torch, and a trusty Swiss army knife, along with other break-in related stuff. A similar backpack is on the shoulders of Raven too.

We climb quickly and soon my feet land on the other side of the gate, in abnormal eight-legged creature territory. I pull out a map from my bag and Raven leans in to see it clearly. It shows Ever After High from a birds eye view. I've highlighted in green entrances and exits. I pull out a another sheet of paper- this time a blue print. Gossamer's room is outlined in red, and all possible paths to and from her room in orange. The ones that will probably be the most infested with the monster spiders (paths that pass the lab that the spiders were being held in) are dotted with black. Which is pretty much all of them.

Raven and I agree that the safest paths would be through the basement and climbing the building to Gossamer's window.

Raven hands me a walkie-talkie. "Okay, so you'll climb to the window and I'll go through the basement. When you get there, call me," she says, gesturing to the device in her hand. "Tell me if you can see her in the room or something. If she's not and the window is unlocked, you can go in. If it's not, wait for me and I'll come and unlock it. Got it?"

I nod, and roll up the blueprints, tucking them back into my bag. I eye her nervously. "You sure you want to do this? If you don't want to, I can go in on my own, or I can go through the basement?"

Raven's eyes are fearful, but she shakes her head. "I'll see you in Gossamer's room.

After separating from Raven, I made my way around to the side of the the building. I look straight up, and the moment I do, it starts to rain.

I sigh, gulp, and try to find my grip on the bricks, but my gloved fingers slip as the rain grows heavier. Taking off my gloves and shoving them in my pockets, I try again, this time I'm more successful. I manage to reach the first balcony by swinging from vines and using dark suspicious holes as footholds. I continue the treacherous climb until I reach the forth balcony. The next one will be Gossamer's.

In case Gossamer is in her room and will hear me call Raven when I'm on her balcony, I decide to call now.

"Hey Raven," I whisper into the speaker.

"Hey," she replies, who voice raspy.

"I'm almost at Gossamer's window. Where are you?"

"At the kitchen."



"Any spiders?"

"Not yet."

"I've got to get moving. I'll see you soon."

And just like that, she's gone.



Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book and I'm sorry it takes me a really long time to update. I'm going to try and have regular updates (which is a first for me :O)

Thanks for all your comments, I love reading them and they always make me want to keep writing, so once again, thanks, I really appreciate it!

I hope you like reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!

xxx, WolfofCerise :D

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