Chapter 42 - The Winterfell Banquet 01.

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[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV.
Somewhere on North.



Winterfell had been quite busy in the last moons, ever since the king had arrived, the Starks had welcomed the entire royal family with open arms. They had also gathered many southern nobles, as they came to try and join the king's entourage, as his stay had been quite long.

A girl was running through the castle that early afternoon, with a small she-wolf chasing after her. She passed by Winterfell men of her own house, soldiers from other northern houses, and southern houses, mostly Lannisters and Baratheons. Lastly, there were knights from all the realms, who had come to Winterfell hoping to stand out before the king, though there was no tournament here.

Arya Stark, the youngest daughter of the house, kept running through the courtyard until there were fewer people around her, as she slipped into the more hidden corners of Winterfell.

"Bran!! You're climbing the tower again!!" Arya stopped walking and looked up, seeing the boy hanging there, her younger brother.

"And you should be with Septa Mordane!" Bran retorted from above.

"That's true..." Arya grinned mischievously. "Come on, get down from there, and let's play! Things have been kind of boring lately," she complained as Bran began climbing down at his sister's shout.

"You left Summer alone again," she accused, seeing the wolf pup, now growing larger, waiting on the ground for his owner to descend from his climb.

"He always waits for me," Bran grumbled and looked over at the other wolf, Nymeria, standing by Arya's side.

"Anyway, let's go to the godswood," she said as he nodded, and they slipped away before anyone could catch them and scold or punish them.

"I can't stand being around the queen, her daughter, Sansa, and the others. The talk is so boring!" Arya muttered.

"Yes, but there's a feast tonight..." Bran commented.

"Yes, like three times a week. The king always asks for a party, and father is forced to host it, though he doesn't seem to like it much," Arya said with a smile.

"Did you hear about the king yesterday? He was asking about him," Bran said with a curious look.

"Yes... I still can't believe we had a brother... I barely remember him... I had just turned two when he disappeared from Winterfell, and you weren't even born yet," Arya murmured as they walked through the godswood, nearing the small lake by the heart tree.

"Father never liked him. Mother says he was bad and would have destroyed our house... I still don't understand..." Bran muttered.

"She says it's because he was a bastard, that he would be bad, but I don't really believe that. However, father really doesn't like talking about him," Arya murmured.

"That's why we have to ask the king!" Bran said, sharing his idea.

"He might not know him... but I think you're right. After all, if he asks father to talk about him, no one can deny a king's request!" Arya understood Bran's plan.

They had grown up knowing they had a half-brother as old as Robb, and that he disappeared over eight years ago. Lord Stark considered him dead, despite searching for him at first, but soon gave up after a year with no sightings or news of him anywhere. They hadn't even made a tomb for him.

Robb had mentioned a few things about him, but they were vague. The only person who could really talk about him was their father. Their mother hated their brother for some reason, which they believed was because he was a bastard and that bastards were evil by nature. She always told them to avoid the subject, forbidding it strictly, but Bran and Arya were always curious.

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