Chapter 3 - A Child's Illusions

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[Chapter Size: 2108 Words.]

Jon Snow POV
Somewhere on North.



"You should burn the bodies," said the wildling as I prepared to leave.

"Why?" I asked, not understanding why she made such a firm suggestion.

"You really don't know, do you?" she asked incredulously.

"What should I know?" I said, already losing patience with her.

"You're really new here; anything that dies here, you have to kill twice if you don't burn them. They'll rise as the walking dead," she finally explained.

"Understood. Is that how these draugr are created? Who is the powerful necromancer creating the undead in an area with a constant spell? Are the stories from Old Nan really true? She mentioned White Walkers and an army of the dead when I was young..." I wondered, scratching my chin, but saying it out loud.

"I don't know anything about draugr; here, we call them wights. They say there are still other ice demons, but I've never seen them. Most people take it as a myth," she commented upon hearing me.

I said nothing. I'll find out more later, but for now, I need to burn these bodies. I looked at the woman, wondering if I should use telekinesis magic in front of her to raise the bodies, but decided to hold back for now. I might have an advantage if she tries to betray me. I grumbled unhappily about having to do the work, but still began to gather the bodies, stacking them on top of each other.

"Lúcia," the woman's voice sounded behind me; she was at least helping me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"My name! You said earlier that your name was Jon something," she told me, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Ohh, it seems the wildlings can be polite after all," I said ironically.

"We're called wildlings by the people of the south, but among ourselves, we call each other the Free Folk!" she said angrily and unsatisfied with it.

"Alright, whatever," I said indifferent, not in the mood to argue terms between two peoples, I'll try to respect their origin, at least I'll try...

Once we gathered all the bodies, I placed a torch on them, and they burned easily. I'll have to investigate this powerful necromancer later, as it's affecting the entire area, and it intrigues me.

Then, we began to walk with the woman leading the way to where this wildling army is.

2 days later.

"You grew up in a castle?!" She was surprised when I shared a bit about myself.

"Well, until I was 8, yes, but it wasn't a very happy childhood, I admit," I spoke.

"My people say you kneel in your castles getting fat and having many wives," she told me cautiously.

"I grew up in Winterfell, and despite being one of the largest castles in Westeros, I didn't see any of that there," I said, laughing, remembering my cold room and the fish-like woman jealous of another dead woman.

"Winterfell? The one that is the Stark's castle?" She said incredulously.

"Yes, until you're well-informed on this side of the wall," I commented, laughing.

"Our people know the King in the North; we've been at war with them for thousands of years. They are our worst enemies!"

"My uncle is the lord of Winterfell, but he's not a king. Your people are outdated because the Starks have had a king above them for almost 300 years. Nowadays, they answer to Robert Baratheon if he's not dead," I said with a hint of anger at the end; she even flinched at the anger in my voice. My voice exuded power when I let the anger out.

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