Chapter 62 - Returning to the Freefolk Camp.

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[Chapter Size: 2700 Words.]

Third Person POV.



Daenerys Targaryen could not say she felt very secure about her sudden change of reality. Just a few hours ago, she had been preparing to marry Khal Drogo, believing that her life would follow that path—used as a pawn, an instrument for her brother to gain the army he needed to reclaim what had been taken from their family in Westeros.

If she were honest, she didn't want that kind of destiny. She only wished to return home, though she knew that "home" had never truly been hers. However, now she found herself seeing the lands of Westeros for the first time in her life, a sight framed by the horizon as the sun set. She was viewing this from atop a dragon, held firmly by a man who claimed to be her nephew.

She had to admit that all of this left her very confused. Her age didn't seem to align with the events he had recounted to her just hours ago during their conversation.

During the hours they spent together, she and Jon had exchanged several conversations while flying over the sea. They continued onward, and Daenerys could see nothing but water and clouds. Occasionally, she caught glimpses of animals like whales and dolphins surfacing in the ocean, but it was rare and difficult to see them clearly.

She sat in front of Jon, who held on tightly. Ghost, the small wolf, was nestled between Daenerys's legs, with Jon keeping a firm hold on him as well. Jon also kept his arms around his aunt to ensure nothing fell from the dragon. This was her new reality, contradicting everything she had once considered to be mere myth just a day ago. If someone had told her a similar story, she would never have believed it.

Now, she was beginning to understand that Daemon Targaryen—or Jon Snow, as he had finally introduced himself—was not the person she had thought she might know. He began telling her his story, explaining that he should be the same age as her but had somehow been taken to another world. This left her utterly confused.

However, seeing some of his magical abilities and the way he handled situations—actions that would have left her desperate but that he managed with such calm, as though he had control over everything—made it clear that this man was unlike anything she could have imagined. Jon explained that he had spent twelve years in that other world and had now returned.

"You said you saw visions about us? What exactly did you see?" Daenerys asked.

As the dragon continued its flight toward Westeros at the end of the day, they kept talking.

Jon, still staring ahead at the dragon's head, spoke in a calm voice, recalling the moment when the Daedric Princes had shown him the vision. "Yes. They showed me through images, visions. I saw my own birth, saw my uncle arriving at the Tower of Joy and fighting Ser Arthur Dayne. I also heard mentions of you and your brother, but I didn't know where you were or what you looked like. The visions were vague about that, limited to rumors and snippets of conversation. That was sixteen years ago. Of course, when I was growing up in Winterfell, I learned a bit more—that you were in Braavos—after my uncle commented on news he received during the Greyjoy Rebellion."

Daenerys listened in silence before asking, "I see... So, with the army you have in mind beyond the Wall, can we reclaim the throne?"

Jon thought for a moment before replying, "Possibly. But I'll still need to convince them. After all, they won't have an easy life on this side of the Wall. They'll either have to carve out their place here or spend the rest of their lives fighting. So, I'll give them a choice: follow me or live in the North on their own terms. Even then, it won't be simple, since most of them just want to cross the Wall."

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