Chapter 19 - Hunting The Three-eyed Raven 02.

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[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]

Third Person POV.
Somewhere on North.



Jon looked around at the animals, some still wounded with arrows or damages inflicted by the atronach. He began to execute each one with a clean death, as they wouldn't have survived much longer anyway.

He also went to all the bodies and started to absorb them into his dimensional space, since they would serve as his sustenance in the coming days, and now he had a sizable stockpile. He glanced at a crow at some distance again.

"That damned thing is still spying..." Jon murmured as Ygritte looked on curiously.

This time, Jon didn't take Ygritte's bow; instead, he conjured his conjuration magic, and a spectral bow appeared in Jon's hand. He aimed at the crow from a distance and released the arrow. The crow had started to fly away as it saw him aim, but Jon, an experienced man for whom a crow was nothing, calculated its trajectory and launched his arrow, hitting it in mid-air as it tried to escape. The spectral arrow pierced through the crow, causing it to fall lifelessly to the ground.

"Wait, you can create a bow? You broke mine yesterday." She said, unsatisfied, as if everything Jon had done until now was normal and she was upset for having lost her last bow and having to get another from the tribe.

"Don't complain. I didn't want to show these skills in front of so many people. Now we need to find a place to rest." Jon said and looked at the animals waiting for his order.

"Scour the area. Any crow that appears, or animal controlled, attack them." Jon commanded, his control would not wane until he used another Shout, so he could keep them as his guards for the night.

She saw all the animals disperse into the forest to encircle them. His attention now returned to the girl with red hair. "Let's go, we need to find a place." He said, and she nodded.

It didn't take long for them to find a place later on, at a higher elevation, where Jon placed his items in the dimensional space.

"You do such incredible things... it's no wonder you're screwing Lucis and Val at the same time." Ygritte spoke without any shame in her words, after all, she was direct.

Jon could deny it, but said nothing, after all, why would he waste his time on something trivial like trying to deny something like that, he was more focused on preparing dinner.

"Do you want to eat another fox?" Jon asked as he took another carcass from his space and set it up for cooking.

While Ygritte nodded, assisting him in some things to help him as she cleaned some of the carcasses while he prepared the fire.

He prepared the meal, and the sun began to set on the horizon as the campfire started to be their only illumination that night.

During the night, there was another animal attack, but their own animals fought their enemies around them, leaving none alive while the sounds of the animals ran all night long.

Jon began to summon atronachs to patrol around the camp. "Will we be safe?" Ygritte asked with some fear in her voice, after all, it's not every day that a group of murderous animals tries to attack them while they sleep.

"It's going to be a long night, but we'll be fine. Try to ignore the animal screams and try to sleep." Jon advised.

He entered the tent some time later, and Ygritte followed him. Jon lay down in his bed on the ground that he had prepared, while Ygritte did the same with the bed beside him. He lay down calmly, while she still cast some glances at him. Of course, he knew it, but he ended up ignoring it, as it might not hold up, and there wasn't an atmosphere for it, while animals kept screaming to death outside, through the forest. So, he found it kind of a turn-off.

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