Chapter 24 - Hunting The Three-eyed Raven 07.

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[Chapter Size: 1600 Words.]

Third Person POV.
Somewhere on North.



An eerie silence took over the atmosphere. Jon didn't fail to analyze every detail of the man, roots entwined around his body, some embedded within his skin. The man appeared to be around 70 years old, but must have been older, since the tree itself was preserving him. However, for Jon, it wasn't hard to notice that he was dying.

Ygritte stood a bit away from Jon, holding her sword ready to fight anything on alert, while she looked surprised at the man in the roots, wondering how there was someone living like this all this time in these lands with the children of the forest. Jon, in the end, had been right all along when he came here, and to think there was a warg who controlled as many animals as she saw when Jon had to fight against them.

Jon's spectral wolves stayed alert, for any movement especially to protect the woman as their master ordered as soon as he summoned them, being the most vulnerable there.

Jon decided to break the silence while the man studied him all along, he didn't respond to Jon's question when he asked if he was the three-eyed raven, although the answer was quite obvious. "You live through these roots, which makes me wonder what happened to you...?" Jon asked and the man didn't question.

"Are you mute?" Jon had to ask, and continued. "Besides, your attempts to kill haven't worked out so well, John." Jon mocked.

"Who are you?" The man finally spoke, with an old and tired voice.

"So you're not mute then. I guess you've spied on me enough, haven't you? Haven't figured it out yet?" Jon smiled once more as he continued. "Let me ask now, who are you?" he asked.

The three-eyed raven looked for a while, until he sighed before addressing Jon. "I used to be Brynden Rivers, and now I am the three-eyed raven," he spoke, in a neutral tone.

"Brynden Rivers... I've heard that name before... you're the bastard son of Aegon, the Unworthy..." Jon commented, accessing his old memories in Winterfell, he studied a bit of the history of House Targaryen and read this point as one of the main points. 'We are related somehow... but that doesn't matter.' Jon thought and returned to the man.

"And why the insistence on killing me?" Jon asked, interested in the man's answer, since he seems quite obstinate to it.

"As I said, I would like to know who you are? After all, you appeared out of nowhere," he spoke, since Jon's presence in this world affected the entire future the moment he appeared, like a ghost, as if he had appeared from another world. "Moreover, no one should have these powers, there was never anyone with this strength, are you really from this world?" He asked him, looking at him.

Ygritte even held her breath with this question, after all, she was beginning to believe that Jon was a god, but there were so many other strange things happening here, could Jon be a being from another world?

Brynden really wanted to know who this man was and his origins, he had never seen anything like it in the green vision, he used all his greatest powers, threw a living walker with an exercise on top of him attracting them to the camp, but nothing stopped this man, he was a risk to the future, a risk to him and his plans.

"If you really want to know, I'll tell you a bit about myself," Jon said, cracking a half-smile. "You are Brynden Rivers, a Targaryen bastard, or at least you were, according to what you've said. I don't know what you are now." Jon spoke and began to introduce himself.

"My name, my true name, is Aegon Targaryen, the sixth of my name, son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark of House Stark." Jon spoke calmly.

Ygritte, standing beside him, was surprised, not quite understanding what Jon meant by that, but certainly surprised to learn his name was something other than Jon Snow, as she had always known him.

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