Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"I have to take this." I said as I get up and left Sterling inside the guest room. I took a deep breath before greeting Evan, "Hello, babe."

"Are you okay?" He called for a reason and he asks me if I am okay. I am guilty!!

I scoffed, "Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be? Why did you call? Did the hospital take your leave?"

"Uhhh, actually I'm already in Michigan and I'm outside your parents' house. It was supposed to be a surprise but I didn't know your parents wouldn't be here yet. And I took a plane sooo..."

Oh shoot! I don't even know if I could face Evan right now without looking a bit guilty, I don't want his stay here to be bad, "I'll get you."

I went back to the Williams house and took my purse. "Where are you going? You are not taking your bags, are you?"

"No, I won't." I pinched the bridge of my nose, ashamed of the request that I'll be asking. I should've told him I already have a fiancé. "I have to pick up someone and since my parents are not yet home can I drop him off here? We'll be gone first thing in the morning." I tried hard not to bit my lower lip.

He smiled, still ecstatic of what happened upstairs I guess. "Of course, your friend is welcome here."

And I took off.

On my way to my parents' house I called Ariana, "Hey Ari." I said sighing.

"What happened?", of course she already have an intuition.

I whined before I tell her, "We made out.", I confessed and prepared myself with what Ariana has to say.


"And Evan is here."

"What?!" and that's the reaction that I expected from Ariana, "How is he there? I thought his leave is still being processed and if the HR says that it usually means 'No, you can't have this leave'"

I hit my wheel a little in frustration, "I thought he told you. Apparently, it was to surprise me but my parents aren't home yet and I'm staying with the Williams."

"If I know I would've warned you. I know Sterling won't be able to get his hands off of you and I'm guessing he doesn't know your fiancé would be coming there?" she says all with one breath.

And I thought she should know that I didn't even tell Sterling that I have a fiancé, maybe he just sees my engagement ring as an accessory. The minimal design didn't make it stand out though. Another exclaims could be heard from Ariana on the other end of the call.

"What am I going to do?" I whimpered as I turn one last block until I reach my parents' house.

"You have to come clean to both of them. That's the only way River.", and we hanged up.

I took three deep breaths before I climbed off my car and greeted Evan who is on the house porch looking cold but still warm. I missed that face.

"Evan!" I called out and he ran to me to give me a bouquet of flowers and to hug me.

This is where I should be, in his warm hug and heavy smell of cleanliness, drowning in his sweetness and romantic gestures. "I missed you" he said and kissed me on the forehead.

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