[Chapter 13: We Need Help]

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"Um.. one Caramel Machiato, and one... Hazelnut Hot Chocolate," I ordered at the Starbucks counter.

"Your name, miss?" The cashier asked.

"Laila," I said and the cashier scribbled it down on the paper cup.

I paid for the drinks and then scooted over to the high chairs facing the glass paned window.

"So... When is he gonna come?" Lin asked excitedly.

I rolled my eyes and sighed to myself. I could not believe I was doing this.

I figured that the only person that could help me was Lin. You might think I was crazy, but to be honest she was our only way out, due to her connections.

Therefore, I arranged a meeting with Axel and Lin. I did not really know if she would believe me, but I guessed it was worth a shot.

"Girl, you look freaking nervous! What's up?" Lin exclaimed. I bit my lip and ignored eye contact.

"Laila," The waiter at the counter announced.

I took that opportunity and avoided Lin's remark. Placing our paper cups in front of us, I slipped back into my seat. Minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw Lin eyeing me mischieviously. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Axel," I said spinning around then quickly leaned back, when I noticed he was standing a little too close to me. Axel grabbed a seat beside me and then gave me an enquiring look.

"So...now what?" He asked slowly.

I took a deep breath, "We tell her...everything..."

Axel furrowed his brows, but then sighed in surrender.

"Whatever you say..." He said.

I nodded and turned to Lin which was looking terribly puzzled.

I began telling her what happened from the time I saw the symbols till the last bit of information we received from the journal.

"Lin, I know it's hard to believe, and I don't blame you if you don't. You might think I'm crazy. I'm clearly getting too obsessed with these things. Oh this sounds awfully weird coming out-" I rambled on but got cut off by Lin.

"Laila... Do you believe in all this?" She said, her expression changed to one that I rarely saw, laced with concern but had a glint of understanding.

I nodded firmly in response. A small smile formed on her face and she let out a shaky sigh.

"Well, then I believe you too,"she decided.

"Really?!" I said in pure surprise.

She chuckled, "Duh, what are friends for. I tell you my secrets you tell me yours, no matter how crazy it gets." I smiled back at her thoughtfully.

Axel cleared his throat, "Its nice to know your friend believes you and all, but I have to ask... How is she going to help the situation?" I dreaded this question.

"Wait, what are you guys planning to do?" Lin asked.

"Lin, we need to sneak into a highly guarded US air force base, Area 51," I said, hoping I was not sounding to crazy.

Apparently I did. Lin's look of understaning immediately transformed to bewilderment.

"Wait! You guys are actually going to do something about it?!" Lin asked flabbergasted.

Axel and I glanced at each other then nodded. I did not know if she would understand if I told her that I was strangely obliged to do so, and that my instincts were telling me that I had to. I was about to ask her for a huge favour and my excuse would be... My instincts said so. It sounded far-fetched even for me.

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