[Chapter 26: Memories]

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I was staring at a blank white space. I could not move. My body was frozen in place. I felt a strange numbness all over my body.

Suddenly, strings of blue light dropped down from the oblivion of white. They began filling the endless room, surrounding me. None of the strings touched me. Instead, they made a perfect circle around me.

Once all the strings dropped to a stop, I slowly felt the numbness that consumed most of my body, fade away. Moments later I could move.

Taking a cautious step, I came closer to the wall of strings. The closer I got to the strings, I swore I saw them bend towards me. As if the light was refracted.

The strings were like thin lines of electricity. Neon blue to the sight. I touched the closest one to me, and felt a shock run up my hand, straight to my head.

An image popped into my head, and slowly began playing like a video.

I was reading a book, sitting in Uncle Elias's library. The image flashed forward to me waking up from a quick nap, the book still on my lap. I looked groggy, but my eyes widened as I stared at the pages of the book.

I was curious to know what the me in my memories was seeing. I walked toward her, and glanced at the pages of the book.

Five symbols were imprinted on the book. Five symbols...

I suddenly gasped, as I saw the neon blue lines burst from the symbols and engulf me.

The next thing I knew, I was back in the room caged by the thin blue lines.

A memory.

I saw a memory. Those strings were my memories.

In a single swipe of my hand, I let my fingers run through three quarters of the strings. Electricity filled my insides, but I kept on running my fingers through the strings.

The electricity accumulated inside of me till I felt that I could burst.

And I did.

In a large explosion of light, I left the white room, and my subconscious.

I woke up once again, gasping, covered in cold sweat. But this time I felt whole once again.

My mind felt clear. As if there was a fog blanketing it, and now it was finally lifted.

Everything. I remembered everything.

My memories were back. It was overwhelming, but I never felt better.

It was indeed strange, how I simply slept and got my memories back. It was as if, I myself traveled to the most hidden parts of my brain and unlocked the door to my lost memories.

The strange strings of my memories were still vivid in my mind. I somehow felt, that those strings meant more than just memories. It probably did not just consist of memories either.

I shook my head. That was not the point now. What was important was that I recalled all my memories.

And I knew exactly what to do next.

I recollected what the Grey said to me that day.

You have to travel to the secret base we have in the city you call Atlantis. It is hidden, but you can find it.

It is the only place that is securely protected and impenetrable by the government and extraterrestrials.

Though being here for too long has obstructed me from gaining any present information. I can only hope that the base still exists.

The words were still so distinct in my head as if I had never forgotten them.

Atlantis. They wanted me to go to Atlantis.

This whole mystery got weirder and crazier by the second.

But I was finally back in business. I jumped out of bed, with new-found energy. Ready. Ready to save the damned world.

"Axel!" I said running to him and pouncing on him, with a bear hug.

"Woah! Laila what's up!" He asked surprised at my sudden outburst.

I released him and gave him a megawatt smile.

"I got my memories back!" I exclaimed.

"What? That's great!" He replied, astonished.

I told him how it happened. From the white room to the blue strings and the vision of a memory. He was baffled, but happy nonetheless.

We walked in the snow, while discussing the situation. I informed him about the vital information that the Grey relayed to me. I really wanted to get it off my back. Who knows, I might suddenly slam into a wall and lose my memories once again. Might as well make sure that Axel knows every single thing, I know.

We figured that when the Grey meant only I could find the secret location of Atlantis, it would be an SOM5 thing. Perhaps a vision.

We decided to get our hands on some satellite imagery, and maybe the mysterious island will probably show up.

"But you do realise that we have a major problem right now," Axel stated.

"What problem?" I asked, oblivious.

He sighed,"Lin's not helping us get to places, or providing us the necessary facilities and equipment for the next mission," he explained.

Realisation hit me. He was right. We were back to square one.

I was still dead set on not letting Lin follow us. But we were at a disadvantage right now. We needed help. And currently no one would help us.

I suddenly slammed onto Axel's back. I did not realise he was walking ahead of me, till he abruptly stopped.

"Ow, why'd you stop?" I asked, rubbing my nose.

I walked to his side, and saw what he was looking at.

We were standing right in front of a building. One, I had not entered in a while, and one I could say was my second home.

Uncle Elias's research office.

"You're not thinking..." I trailed off, getting the picture.

"I'm not sure but-" before he could continue, the two glass doors slid open.

Uncle Elias walked out of them, arms crossed, looking older than he was supposed to. He gave us a long look before nodding his head to the door.

"You kids, might want to come in," he said gruffly, and walked back into the building.

Axel and I glanced at each other, then shrugged. We made our way into the building. It seemed like the better option.

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