[Chapter 41: Simulator]

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Authors note:
I just wanted to thank the readers that voted for this book. I appreciate the support!

The hexagonal grid, began lighting up, one by one. Soon, I was surrounded by a seamless white landscape. The lines of the grid, became non-existent. The white scene flickered, into a coloured image.

Thickets of trees engulfed my vision. I looked to the ground, and realised that the entire ground had changed into the grassy forest floor. Above me, the ceiling disappeared into a canopy of tree branches, giving way to artificial sunlight that poured through the few spaces between the leaf mosaic.

Sounds of animals, crickets and birds chirping in the forest, were audible. I even smelled the soft scent of wet grass, that mixed with various aromas of nature.

The scene around me was very vivid, it almost felt real.

I stepped forward, then heard screech of metal on metal. It was supposedly coming from up ahead, about twenty feet away, but I heard it as clear, as if it were right beside me. I did not even know how I estimated the distance and direction of the sound that accurately. I could hear things from far away due to my upgraded hearing, but I was never able to determine its direction and distance.

Sounds of shifting of gears now replaced the screech, and I could hear it coming from various directions around me.  I took wary step forward.

The first bullet emerged from the bush of trees in high speed, coming right at me. I heard it before I saw it. Sidestepping quickly, the bullet whizzed past.

The next bullets were less merciful. They blasted two, sometimes four or five at a time, from various directions. I leapt away from some, ducked low till I was pressed on the ground, and jumped right back up again in two seconds, to dodge another oncoming bullet.

My movements were stiff at first. But soon, they became more fluid and quick. After an array of bullets, and a whole lot of of dodging, the silence of the forest returned.

I was only a little tired from the exercise, which did not surprise me. My stamina had increased rapidly due to the SOM5. Now it seemed my reflexes have as well. Along with my hearing and possibly other senses.

"How did I do?" I said to the walls, knowing the Grey was behind one of them.

"Average," a voice said from a speaker.

"Average? I think that was pretty good!" I retorted.

"Well then, let us see if you can overcome the next challenge," Dr. V-Ron replied.

The image of the forest shifted into an icy wasteland. The green landscape began reverting to white and grey. The sky was a gradient beginning at the dark blue horizon, rising up to a lighter shade.

Wind began blowing, chilling me through my clothes. From the distance, I could see metallic objects rising from the horizon, heading straight towards me. The closer they got, I could make out red glowing lights at the belly of what seemed like twenty aircraft.

I gasped when I finally understood the situation. The red lights began shooting out of the aircraft. The red lights hit the ground and melted the snow with hissing sounds.

I began another round of dodging the lasers, as they came at me. I began experimenting on my upgraded agility and reflexes. The cold was biting me, but my senses did not numb. I twisted, turned and flipped over the beams.

The bullets of light began blasting in larger numbers. I kept on dodging, but soon I felt my limit draw near. The bullets were too fast, and my margin for success became narrow. I was dodging the beams mere inches away from my skin.

While leaping over a beam, I noticed another flying right above me, causing me to duck down at the same time. I tumbled off balance and rolled onto the snow. Without a second to spare, another beam came blaring right at my direction.

Too fast to react, I shut my eyes and braced for impact. It felt like a punch in the gut, the air left my lungs. I glanced at my torso, and noticed there was nothing there. I did not get shot or burned. The aircrafts vanished and the icy wasteland reverted back to the honeycomb covered room.

"Well, I guess that is your limit then," Dr. V-Ron said through the speakers.

I got to my feet and steadied my breathing, getting back into focus.

"Lesser than predicted. I guess I overestimated," the doctor said nonchantly.

I clenched my fists. Anger bubbling within me. I could take a punch in the gut, but this annoying doctor underestimating me hit the mark.

"Let's go at it again. I am not tired yet," I said with confidence. I did not get a response for a few seconds.

"Very well then," I heard him say, and I felt that I could see him smirking.

The scene shifted once again. Now, I was standing on top of a tall skyscraper, surrounded by a bustling city. The city noises were deafening, and due with my sensitive hearing, every noise was detailed and as clear as crystal, giving me a serious headache.

It took me a moment to hear the fighter jets coming from behind me. I focussed on the single sound, and blocked out the rest. They were close.  Nevertheless, I spun around and got into position. The jets sped towards me, missiles on the ready.

I leapt into motion.

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