[Chapter 39: Upgrade]

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The pain was overwhelming. It made me regain consciousness. My eyes were sealed shut by what felt like a metal band. My head, arms and legs were clamped to a  hard metal surface. A surge of intense heat rushed through my veins, and I screamed out in agony.

My torso lurched forward and I thrashed uncontrollably. The heat reached up to my neck, I felt tears well up behind my shut eyelids. I screamed again, unable to bear the intense pain.

The heat did not seem to subside. After a few moments, I felt a jolt off current hit me in the neck. I cried out, as the electricity zapped my insides travelling straight through my toes.

My neck got zapped again, and combined with the agonizing heat, surging through my blood vessels, I hoped someone would just kill me there and then, to put me out of my misery.

Minutes or what felt like hours of pain passed, and finally my prayer was heard.

My lungs burned, and my breathing passages felt hot and dry. My head throbbed so hard. And at that nerve-wracking moment, I felt my chest constrict.

It hit me so suddenly, I gasped from the pain. I clenched my teeth, as my chest continue to tighten. I wanted to grab my chest, and try to soothe the pain, but alas, I was locked up.

My breathing became shallow huffs, that escaped through my nostrils. My chest tightened and tightened. My hands were in fists, my toes curled. My pain reached its peak, exceeding my threshold.

Finally I blacked out. And the few moments before that, I had to wonder, was I about to faint, or die?
The scientists watched as Subject 5's body thrashed vigorously. Her body lurched upward countless of times and her screams filled the operation theatre.

The scientists increased the pressure of the flow of a blue chemical into her veins, and she lurched once more, releasing a piercing scream. The veins in her body were visible to their naked eyes, as the chemical flowed through them. A web of blue soon covered her entire body.

Phase one was completed. The toxin in her body, would activate the SOM5 defense mechanism. The only doorway left that they had to jump-start her abilities.

The scientists did a quick analysis, and confirmed that she was ready for phase two.

A metal rod ejected from each of the two machines that was placed on either sides of the operation table. A scientist adjusted the meters, and flicked the switch. A high voltage of electric current, zapped her neck.

She screamed, and they increased the voltage. The electric blue blood vessels all over her body, pulsed, at every shock.

They continued, till they got a signal from General A-Roz to stop.

He was standing a little further from the operation table, staring at the meters on the screen. The scientists stopped the electrocution. And everything went still for a moment.

All the scientists including General A-Roz held their breaths, as they watched the ECG display the spikes and dips of her heart rate reduce to flatter lines.

Her heartbeat slowed even further, and the beeps became less frequent.

"She's not going to make it," one of the scientists murmured.

General A-Roz clenched his fists. She had to make it. She was their last hope.

"Dr. V-Ron, what are her chances of survival?" General A-Roz asked, not betraying the oncoming trepidation that crept up on him.

All eyes turned to the Grey right beside Subject 5. He folded his arms and stared at the meters, then back at her.

"Earlier I said, 26.092%," he said slowly.

The beeps became even more spaced out than ever now. Subject 5 loosened her clenched fists, and they watched her drift away from consciousness, or life itself.

"Now I predict, her chances of survival are..." he trailed off.

Everyone's attention returned to the ECG screen, that displayed a single spike, followed by an unending straight line. A single monotonous sound filled the room.

"She's...gone," a scientist muttered.

Murmurs rose, as the Greys expressed their loss of hope. Their plan failed, once again.

However, General A-Roz did not want to believe it just yet.

"You did not finish, Dr. V-Ron" the general said.

The doctor, if not for his surgical mask, would have smirked.

"95.402%," he said.

"Don't be insane-" one of the scientists retorted, but got cut off as a steady beeping suddenly filled the room.

The scientists and doctors gasped as the ECG began displaying a steady set of spikes. Subject 5 took a huge gulp of air, as she awoke from her near death.

The doctors immediately got to work and placed a gas mask on her face, and carried out the necessary procedures. A few spared a glance at the ECG, still unable to believe that she survived.

Dr. V-Ron made his way to the general.

"I do not believe in luck, general. So I do not know how to describe her success in surviving," he said.

"Well doctor, I on the other hand, do believe in luck. And maybe a little of it was all we needed for a miracle to happen," General A-Roz replied, giving the doctor a small smile before exiting the operation theatre.

Dr. V-Ron, watched him leave, and narrowed his eyes.

"I do not believe in miracles either," he murmured to himself.

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