[Chapter 48: Death News]

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30 days 12 hours 15 seconds

Sitting around the circular glass table, with few of the most intimidating Greys of Atlantis, was certainly swell.

To my right sat, Sergeant C-Roc-I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from calling him Croc- Chief of The Antlantean Military, and beside him was Captain T-Ray, Chief of The Atlantean Aviation Sector.

To my left, Dr. V-Ron, Chief of The Atlantean Subject Abuse Department...
What? It was not entirely a lie. Oh, fine.

Assistant Chief of Project SOM5, Mission Strategist, and naturally the general's favorite person, like seriously.

Finally, standing directly opposite of me, was General A-Roz himself, Head of the Atlanteans and Project SOM5. Clad in his usual white robes, I swear his expression was as heavy as the material he wore.

A month away from the activation of AHM333, it was about time to discuss our final plan. We were briefed on the plan months ago, but the little changes here and there were to be finalised today.

The general tapped on the glass, and a holographic projection of a cone- shaped tower flickered into view.

The AHM333 activator.

According to the original plan, I was supposed to make it to the tower, and deactivate the AHM333, the second it turns on. Why wait till the last second? Well, I was told, the AHM333 will connect every human mind to a single source, resurfacing the deep embedded program in our DNA. If we destroy the tower before it was activated, we would have no way of eliminating the AHM333 gene. And the extraterrestrials would most likely build another activator, and the process repeats.

Therefore, if we destroy AHM333 after its activation, the gene would go with it, freeing humanity from the aliens' hold.

After that, I was to escape from the tower and fly my way back to Atlantis.

Seemed easy. Well, of course it would not be.

Following us, were a large number of Atlantean military troops, charging right into battle. The AHM333 tower would be highly guarded, and I would need as much protection as I could get, just so I could get safely to the tower.

"The barrier breaching system has been fine-tuned and installed in our crafts, we would get in, in no time," Captain T-Ray informed.

The general nodded.

I forgot to mention the huge force field protecting the tower, protecting the whole island in fact. Just like our own, only probably stronger. The force field caused quite a number of problems to humans, what with all the disappearing flights, and ships as they accidentally passed the force field.

That's right, you guessed it! The AHM333 activator was situated in an alien stronghold, also known as The Bermuda Triangle.

That explains another one of the mysteries of the world.

The whole plan seemed plucked out of a Star Wars movie, nevertheless it did not make me like it. Mainly, because I have a feeling the lives lost in this battle are going to be a horrifyingly huge sum. General assured me that the Atlanteans have prepared all their lives for this battle. All the lives lost would be remembered as a noble act for the sake of humanity.

Little did I know, he was implying not only on the soldiers.

When the meeting was over, I was asked to stay back. Dr V-Ron still sat at his position at the meeting table, while General A-Roz let out a weary sigh.

"What is it?" I asked.

"There is still a part of the deactivation that you are unprepared for," the general began.

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