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"Stop and stare, I think I'm moving but I go nowhere"

"A small but welcoming place. Quiet, however certainly not boring! "
I snickered slightly as my mind was cast back to the simple review my father read online, years ago. If only he'd decided someplace else, if only my mother hadn't agreed as she asked about the high school.

Of course back then it was quiet, it was welcoming.
In the beginning Rosewood was a dream to me, I had a nice house (certainly bigger than the last), and as the first year of high school rolled around I was taken into a friendship group within seconds. I remember Alison approaching me as my locker door slammed shut. All perfect hair and piercing eyes.

"Are you new? I don't think I've seen you around town before"  The unfamiliar girl smiled sweetly.
"Uh yeah, my name's Imogen. I only moved a couple of weeks ago"  I returned the smile, though I knew how nervous I was sounding.

I remember casting my eyes behind her to see 4 other girls stood behind, all staring at me, all looking unsure but smiling and nodding almost in time with her, only speaking when invited to.
She was their leader.

Soon Alison DiLaurentis became my leader too.

It was only when she disappeared did I realise how Alison had changed me.
Of course I had been perfect to her, she loved a challenge and moulding me into shape, making me what she wanted was her favourite game.
Within months I'd started wearing the kind of clothes she liked, only dated the boys she approved of, treated the people 'lower' than her like dirt. I became her.
If only I'd turned away from them on that first day, shut my locker and carried on down the hall, alone. If I had, I wouldn't be sat on the sidewalk outside my house wincing as memories of the dollhouse came back. Again and again.

The world was silent, illuminated by only the dim streetlights and bright stars.
Now, if  anyone had driven past they'd ask themselves, "Why is Imogen Edwards sat on the sidewalk at 1am, tugging at the grass?" .
When you're kidnapped for a few weeks, unable to sleep, having nightmares when you do and flinching every time someone moves near you...your parents aren't exactly going to let you out and about when you choose.
I was questioned every second around them, trapped in a room I could barely sit in as I imagined the camera with the blinking red light in the corner.
They were suffocating me.

These thoughts followed me as I stood up, and began to walk down the deserted streets.

Approaching the DiLaurentis household I didn't notice the slouched figure on the porch, I stopped, praying I could go unnoticed.

"You shouldn't be out this late, it's not safe. Especially for you"
It was Jason. He straightened up and looked at me, a neutral expression set on his features. I tried to think of a comeback, usually I'd have something witty to say but I was caught so off guard all I could do was make a sort of grunt noise and weird hand gesture.
He smiled ever so slightly and an amused look fell over the older boy's face.

If you're reading this, thank you for reading the first chapter of my fanfiction! I know it may have inaccuracies and will not always follow the story exactly, but I will try my hardest to have it tie in with the programme
From the next chapter onwards the story will follow the episodes of season 6, this was just a short kinda introduction so excuse me if it is not written extremely well ♥︎ (The next chapters will be longer)
-EJ 24/7/15

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