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"It's the blue in his eyes that help me see the future"

The first person I called was Hanna.

It had always been like that between us, I went to Spencer, Aria, and Emily for the more serious advice but Hanna was the queen of everything gossip. The only downside was give her a topic good enough and she wouldn't let you hang up for hours.

Oh, and the squealing.

"You and Jason are going to do WHAT?!??" Hanna's voice came through my phone so loudly that my left ear rang for 5 minutes.

"Well, it's not like I have much choice!" I exclaimed, careful that my mother didn't hear. I tried masking my conversation by pouring a large bowl of cereal.

"No I don't mean it's a bad thing, I mean ohmygod you have a date!"

I had a huge spoonful of cornflakes before speaking again, trying to gather my thoughts.

"Hanna, he's Ali's brother! Oh my god, and Spencer's" I groaned, leaning back into my chair.
"Also, I barely know him?! We're not even friends. The first time I've properly spoken to him was a few weeks ago, and then I bumped into him a few times and then I stayed in his room and then-"

"Imogen, I know all this. I remember important events!" She paused. "I know he's our best friends sibling but, that doesn't mean he's not date material!" She giggled like a seventh grader as I rolled my eyes.

Not that I'd admit it but she did have a point.

"He's all weird glares and brooding...accompanied with the occasional smile and laugh"

"Yeah, you're fooling no one. You think he's beautiful, as that  hesitation just proved"

He's Ali and Spencer's brother, my mind tried to tell itself every 5 seconds.

"Look, I Gotta go...and so do you! If you refuse to see Jason I will hunt you down, you know I will"

"But I don't even know where we're going-"

I stared at my phone in disbelief, Hanna had already hung up.

The time read 10:34 which gave me an hour and 26 minutes to get ready for Jason.
If he wasn't going to reply to all 20 angry text messages I'd sent him, I wasn't going to try hard for him.

Eyeliner, mascara, and a light lipstick was as far as I'd go for Jason DiLaurentis. I did nothing with my hair apart from brush it vigorously, in an attempt to smooth the knotted waves.

Actually, the most time I spent on my appearance was looking for shoes that weren't completely wrecked. In the end it was white ankle height converse that I wore -even if they were a size too small.
I mentally thanked Jason for reminding me to update my wardrobe, before praying we weren't going to a pretentious restaurant.

At the same time I slightly wished we were. It would teach him a lesson for replying to all my
"where are we going, you dick!!!!!!" texts with a winky face.

Jason arrived at 12pm exactly, wearing (much to my relief) extremely casual clothes -a classic black jeans, white t-shirt combo.

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