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"R.I.P to my youth, and you can call this the funeral"

Loosely based off 6x02

I was shocked at the words Hanna spoke.

Andrew Campbell?...
All star Andrew Campbell the guy I'd steal maths answers off, and who would help me with my homework sometimes...was A?
My brain was filling up with questions that ricocheted around my head, almost as if they were people in an angry mob, wanting to be answered first.

"How'd he have time being A and doing literally every extra curricular activity possible" I blurted out, "I mean Andrew is basically Rosewood High's best student, I'm pretty sure his yearbook section took up like eight pages"

Aria bit her lip and her eyebrows furrowed slightly- I could practically see the cogs turning in her mind. She was piecing something together.
"Well.. It makes sense doesn't it? I mean he's always been there, always ready to help" She sighed, "God it makes me sick"

"Well, I'm going to wait until it's confirmed."
The 4 girls looked at me with varying expressions.
"You don't want to believe it's him? Look Imoge-" I cut Spencer off.

"No, no, I just mean.. The amount of times we have been wrong are 100% higher than the times we've been right. I won't make the same mistakes anymore"


The headaches were getting worse- an extreme lack of sleep accompanied with more confusion & questions was beginning to take it's toll.

I stopped when I saw him.

It was Jason, again. He was stood on his front porch, fumbling around, probably looking for keys or something.
It was almost...amusing to me. Alison's older brother, the guy I'd sat with a million times at awkward meals when going round, the guy that every time I made eye contact with him, I'd make sure to look away in a split second, had completely changed. Looking back I was probably scared of him because of how Jason and Ali fought- it was relentless, vicious, and sometimes violent. I never wanted to cross paths with him.

He didn't scare me anymore.
Jason had a look about him- he had finally been beaten down by years of Rosewood. The world had never been good to Jason DiLaurentis, it was almost as if you could see that through his tired eyes. Sympathy jabbed my heart, I was starting to wonder if that tired look shone in my otherwise dull eyes too.

"Uh, Imogen? Are you alright, I mean you've been stood there for nearly two minutes."

Oh shit.

Jason was still stood on his porch, except now he was turned, awkwardly facing me with confusion written all over his face.
He always managed to catch me off guard.

"Yeah, um yeah I'm fine" My voice trailed off, but as I desperately racked my mind for an answer that wouldn't make me seem creepy, I came up short.

After a few awkward seconds of futile excuses, Jason smiled.
I felt as if I had witnessed something incredible, I mean in all my 4 years of living in Rosewood I had never seen Jason smile. Once.
Although, his easy smile obviously represented his pity and slight worry- he probably believed the dollhouse had sent me truly mad.

The dollhouse.

It hit me out of nowhere.
Did Jason know about Charles? Know that there was a possibility he had a brother, and that he was responsible for the death of his mother and the relentless torment to his sister and friends? I took my eyes off Jason and turned sharply, taking off down the road.
Everything was catching up to me again.


It was a couple of hours later that my phone rang, snapping me out of my trance like state. Memories of the dollhouse were flashing behind my
eyes, buzzing round and round my head like flies.
Apparently it was Aria calling.
I grabbed the phone off my desk, realising my thoughts were dazing me again.

"Yup. Hi. Hello"
"Imogen are you okay? You sound..weird"
I sighed, "No Aria I'm fine, are you okay?"
"Well I may have done something really stupid. As in, it was the heat of the moment and now I regret every decision I've ever made."
"Really stupid as in start something competitive with Spencer, or stupid as in getting arrested."

The frantic tone in Aria's voice made it apparent to me that I shouldn't joke about it, but that was just my nature.
I could picture her in her bedroom, pacing back and forth, chewing her lip slightly, eyes a little too wide.
The classic "we're screwed" Aria.

"Spencer would be worse. Anyway, I may or may have not told the police that I saw Andrew in the dollhouse. Before you say anything, I know it was wrong, but I panicked. I want it to be Andrew..I almost need it to be. Because if it's not him, where's Charles?"

I paused, Aria was right.
We could all be trying to readjust to Rosewood life, (not like it's exactly normal) blind to the fact that A..Charles.. Whoever, was just waiting. Waiting to make the next move.

"Imogen? Are you still there?
Look I'll talk to you more tomorrow, I've worn myself out. Oh and Alison is supposedly going to try get answers out of her dad. See you tomorrow"

And with a soft beep, she was gone.


Lmao I'm not really sure what this chapter just was. I guess it's just like a filler chapter as it should get more interesting! And don't worry, Jason will start being included a lot more and will actually focus around their relationship!
I'm from the UK so I won't get the finale until Wednesday, but for all you who get it tomorrow- good luck! There will definitely be an update very soon x
-E J, 11/8/15

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