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"Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise"

A:N/ This story is really going to stray from the actual plot, excuse any inaccuracies. I'm not sure if this will get any reads but a few people have requested updates! To make up for my lack of updating, this chapter is quite long for my standards;) please vote/comment etc with feedback, it'd be really helpful xx -EJ

When I say the drive couldn't have been any more awkward, I mean I would have rather been anywhere else. Anywhere.

Jason had failed to mention that I'd be crammed in a car with him, Spencer, Hanna, and Alison. It's not as if the girls had done anything to me, but tension was created in the fact I was unintentionally isolating myself, growing from the others ever so slightly.

Silently I cursed at Jason, throwing daggers at him with my eyes via the front view mirror. His expression was quizzical but I knew from his bright white knuckles (turned so by gripping the wheel too hard) he was masking fear.

"Whatever we find, we'll be okay. Even if it's nothing."

My sudden words cut the silence violently-Spencer even flinched out of surprise.

"What if we find Charles. Like what if Charles is there, at the house, going about his life! His life that includes ruining ours!" Hanna retaliated.

Her words caused the atmosphere to return dismal and I noticed Jason clench his jaw.

That boy had no chill.

A transformation had overcome the dimly lit sky. My head pressed against the glass as I thought miserably about how seemingly seconds ago it had been light and cheerful, and now remained a sea of dismal darks and heavy clouds. Head still pressed against the car window, I sighed to myself.

I don't want to be here. Fuck you Jason.

Ever so slightly I observed the other girls, shifting my eyes carefully. Ali was up front with Jason so all I could see of her was the typical long, blonde locks. However knowing Alison, I knew she'd be worried and anxious, though there'd be no denying the hopeful light in her eyes. It always seemed to appear when a possible lead was discovered.

Spencer-who sat next to me-was shaking her leg unable to keep still. The raven haired girl repeatedly bit her lip and kept her eyes dead centre of the front view window. She was either expecting the worst or the best- it always went either way with her.

Hanna was well...Hanna. Fidgeting like crazy, voicing her thoughts, (loudly of course), making sure we all knew she was slightly annoyed at us, without anyone really knowing why- probably even herself. However, all complaining aside, I knew I wouldn't have been able to survive the previous months without my blonde best friend. Her fiery ferocity and "fuck it" attitude were sometimes all that kept us going.

And then there was Jason.
He was still confusing me. Over what, a few weeks? He'd manage to see me more than anyone, talk to me about his problems, and then declare we were friends. Yet I knew nothing of the eldest DiLaurentis besides the obvious.
However, it was safe to say he was currently just foreboding feelings and trepidation with legs and good hair.

The only thing to pull me from the depths of my hazy thoughts was the new sound of tyre on crunching gravel.
Nobody said a word but as the car made a turn, all our vision shifted.

Through the blinding light of the headlights it was possible to see the outline of a house, nothing particularly nice but not something to walk out of a horror movie either. It was a little shabby and looked inhabited but the porch was seemingly normal enough.

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