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"Running from a past, heading out with no direction"

This story is going to really stray from the plot. Please excuse any inaccuracies. Loosely based off 6x5

When being offered the couch or the bed in movies, the females always seem to adamantly refuse the best option -the bed- until both fight each other about who should sleep where and then the male and female mutually decide on sleeping in the bed.

Not me.

The second Jason quietly asked "Couch or bed?" I knew what I was doing.

I had witnessed first hand how many sodas had been spilt on the DiLaurentis's couch, how many times one of us had jumped on it a little too enthusiastically.
I also knew of all the parties Jason had thrown in the past, and I did not trust what may have happened on that couch.

"I'm only here occasionally, my room isn't exactly set up for guests" Jason whispered at me- we had to be quiet, Jason wasn't exactly sure who was home.

"I don't mind" I whispered back, trying my hardest not to fall into anything.
I mouthed a 'thank you' at him as I attempted to move stealthily up the stairs.

I slid into Jason's room, silently praying Ali and Mr. D were asleep- or there could be a problem. My hand traced the wall, searching for the light switch. The small noise it made as I flicked it on made me flinch.
I was overcome with sudden flashbacks, as memories of the last -and only time- I'd seen his room previously, filled my mind.

It wasn't too long since I'd come to Rosewood, and Ali convinced me and Aria to sneak into his room with her, to see if she could find anything to blackmail him with. Aria hung back nervously but I was already looking up to Alison, wanting to impress her. We rooted  through drawers and looked through everything, giggling as Ali made jokes about her stoner brother.
God, could've been a lifetime ago.

Of course since then a few renovations had taken place, as the house went from Maya to Jason, to Jessica, and seemingly round a couple more times.
It was now pretty bare, like a minimalist bedroom pictured in lifestyle magazines.

I allowed the bedside lamp to softly illuminate the room instead of the main light, still terrified someone would notice something was different.
The minutes passed slowly as I stared at the ceiling, feeling it was too weird to be under the sheets, so lying flat on top. I was feeling uneasy, the last time I'd been in a bed not my own was in the dollhouse...maybe the couch was a better option.
Banishing the thought from my mind, I shut my eyes.

Jason better be up before his family.


The bright sunlight streamed softly through the thin curtains and was cast along the sheets. There were a few seconds of comfortability until reality and unfamiliarity set in.

My eyes widened as I remembered where I was.

What time is it?
Where's my phone?
Where's Jason?

My body shot up as these questions swam through my hazy mind.

The last one was answered as the blonde haired figure sprawled on the floor came into view.

I stifled a scream of surprise.

Jason was asleep -rather peacefully- on the carpet, body falling and rising with each steady breath.
Frantically I shifted my weight and kicked him in the side.
Jason awoke with a fright, jumping backwards from my violent action.

"How long have you been there? Did you watch me sleep? You freak oh my god-"

A wide eyed Jason moved his hands about frantically, signalling for me to shut up.

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