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"For those days we felt like a mistake, those times when love's what you hate"

A/N: Thank you so much for the motivating comments guys, I know I suck at updating fast but I'm going to try my best to change that! I hope I don't let you down with this chapter! I also apologise if the chapters are becoming too long, it's just that I update so infrequently that when I do I don't want each chapter to just be cheap and short, or have the story drag on too long. However if it is a problem, please let me know.
-Ej xx

•Based off 6x06•

My fingers danced along the window pane, occasionally illuminated by the soft glow of a building emitting light, or the odd passing car.

Small towns were said to be of a serene nature during the earliest hours, but it all blurred together to me, the dark jagged outlines of trees mixing with the endless rows of suburban houses.

I shifted my weight to the left of the seat, dropping my hand from the window and silently turning to Jason.

The moment he entered my line of vision, I suppressed a smile.

It had taken a good twenty minutes of persistent convincing from Jason, (which soon turned to pleading, eye rolling, and finally threatening) until I agreed to go into the sea more than just ankle height deep.

Although a majority of the time was spent splashing water at Jason in silent protest, and creating permanent wrinkles with my scowling, I realised I'd been a victim of my own stubbornness for years.

I enjoyed the beach.

Light cast itself upon Jason's concentrating features, contrasting strikingly against the dark night. The silence filling every space of his car was so comfortable I felt as if speaking would tangibly shatter something.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Wait, Imogen" Jason's voice was full of mock panic as he took his eyes off the road, placing them instead on me.
"I may need you to repeat that, I don't think I've ever heard you contradict your stubborn views"

"Oh fuck off DiLaurentis, if we're pointing out flaws I could write a whole speech on you. Right now"

The older boy leant closer to me, his stare prevailing.

"Do it then, Edwards," He'd tried to sound serious but finished his sentence with a schoolboy grin.

My eyes flicked back from Jason's face to the front window view, wincing as we were drowned in white light from another car.

Why would someone be leaving Rosewood at this time?

I shook my head at the paranoid thoughts now occupying my mind, my main focus the DiLaurentis boy once more.

"Okay then Jason," I knew a coy smile played on my lips, "You think you're all like, mysterious. You're persistent. Instead of just calling or texting me you come over to my house, leading to a questioning mother and thus an unavoidable fake date. You-"

A light had lit up my front porch, a figure leant against the doorframe. I hadn't even realised we were near my house, let alone at it.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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