Chapter One.

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Poisonous: Ch. 1


That was my final decision.

"Oh come on Zanos. Please?" My boss begged.

"No. Just no." I rolled my eyes. "I can't stand his existence so how the hell am I going be on a 5 month mission with this jackass knowing that I could attempt first degree murder?!" I said, running an hand through my hair.

"Just for 5 months then he'll be out for good. Please Zanos?" My boss Reed pleaded with his eyes as I made eye contact with Satan himself, Alejandro Ivanov.

"You better pay me generously and I mean that shit." I finished as I got up, heading for the door but then someone grabbed my wrist.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I tried to pull my wrist from his grasp but it was no use. He was far too strong for me.

"What the hell do you want Alejandro?" I cut my eyes at him and stared him down.

I really hated him. I don't know why but I feel the urge to throw balls of raging fire at him and watch him burn.

"We leave tomorrow." He said and my face darkened even more.

5 months alone with the asshole that dated my sister then broke her heart? I think I just signed a deal for my own death.

I don't even know how it even got to this point.

Last week, I was in Italy escaping the ways of the great Alejandro Ivanov, hoping I never saw him again for the rest of my life. I guess my life just doesn't work out as planned.

I remember the day my world came crashing down, I mean since it was last week.

"Hello?" I chirped into the phone happily.

"Zanos Zhukarti?" The voice questioned as if unsure if it was me. "Yes, whose calling?" I inquired.

"This is Reed Milligan. I am calling to tell you that you are needed in a mission following the Maria Sanchez case. It is 5 months long but you will be granted a partner to help you. You cannot decline because you have been out of work for too long." He said and I narrowed my eyes into slits and silently groaned.

"When do I start?" I asked.

"Next week," he said. "So be back before tomorrow night."

I should have known he was up to something. My life is just not that fortunate enough to have it my way.

"Fine." I snatched my wrist out of his grip and walked away. "Damn." I cursed as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, entering the elevator.

I dialed the number I knew by heart and held the phone up to my ear.

"Yo' mofo." I could hear the chuckle in his phone but this is a time of despair.

"Fuck me in the asshole Dominic." I grunted in the phone as I heard shuffling on his side of the phone. "You okay Z? What happened?" He questioned as the elevator doors opened.

"You'll never believe what just happened. I flew back down here because I had to do a mission with the same girl that died two years ago, Maria Sanchez and the case was closed because we couldn't find a killer, right?" I broke it down for him.

"Right." So I continued. "So Reed called me yesterday to tell me that the case has been opened up apparently and now I'm on it again. But that's not the greatest part."

I furrowed my eyebrows as he sighed. "Don't tell me..." He trailed off and I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Yes that fucker is my partner." I growled out as I walked towards my car that was parked out front of the building.

"Zanos, you're my brother and all, but you need to get over what hate you have for him. I don't think he did anything intentionally to hurt you at all in your life so at least be civil with him. After all you're gonna be on a 5 month trip with him." Dominic giggled as some dirty thought ran through him mind.

But sadly it was true. Dominic Kaylor was always right since the moment we met in second grade and he would be right at this moment. Sometimes I hate how wise he is. He always seems to make a great thing happen out of a bad thing. It pissed me off really.

"Z, you know I'm your best friend and all, but I think Alejandro wants more than being friends if you catch what I'm putting down." I could tell he was smirking at his own dubious things but I wanted nothing more than Alejandro burning in the hottest pits of hell. He enraged me, he lit a fire inside of me like no other.

"What the hell is wrong with you Dominic?" I face palmed myself as I approached my car and saw a note on the windshield. "Please don't be a ticket." I muttered in my mind as I picked it up and read it.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I growled out loud and narrowed my eyes. A ticket would've been better than this piece of shit. "What's wrong?" Dominic asked, concern etched in his voice. "I'll tell you when I come over." Then I hung up, opening the door of my car.

I wanted to watch Alejandro burn alive.

"Okay I take back what I said about Alejandro wanting to be more than friends." Dominic smirked as he read the note. "He wants to ravish you and take you," he grinned. "All night long!" He belted out singing and I groaned.

"Don't say such a thing! It's disgusting." I frowned as he continued to smirk.

"Why not Zanos? He said you were in for a rude awakening! What does he mean by that?" He smiled evilly as he thought in his own little world. "Who would bottom?" He questioned himself while looking at me. "You would. You just scream submission!"

"First of all. I'm not gay. Second of all, that hurts my feelings. You think he's more dominant than me?" I rolled my eyes and stared at him.

"For now Z but then he'll get you in his bed and then the rest is history and sorry buddy. But you compared to Alejandro, you don't stand a chance against him. He could easily pin you down without struggling." He chuckled and I blushed in embarrassment.

My own best friend thinks I'm not strong enough to do such things to Alejandro. I mean, I could see it because he was too tall and too muscular for me to put up a fight.

Wait, why the hell am I talking about this to myself? How did this even get to this conversation?

"Zanos, just reread the note and you'll see what I meant."

I sighed as I picked up the note and cringed.


I want you to meet me at my house tomorrow at 7:30, so we can get on our plane. I want us to get along so please be okay with that.

Bring a friend that you know of because we need to keep our friends close. The criminal can target any of them if we're not around. Also, pack enough clothes for five months because we are not going shopping for you. See you then.

And if you think you can avoid me these entire 5 months mi amor, you're in for a rude awakening.

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