Chapter Three.

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-A rare moment of Zanos smiling

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-A rare moment of Zanos smiling.

Poisonous: Ch. 3

"I don't think we should touch him in that way."

"Why not? He wouldn't object to it. Maybe he'll like it."

"....I'm not sure."

I heard voices above me but I chose not to acknowledge them. I was too busy having a dream. A dream about my mother getting me my favorite animal, a Bengal kitten.

Ah, that would be the dream life to live.

"I'm just gonna pick him up and take him to his room."

"How'd ya manage to get 4 rooms separately?"

"I'm Alejandro Ivanov. That's how."

I felt myself being picked up bridal style, the person's right arm under my back and their right arm under my thighs. They were damn near my ass, but I was too tired to function.

"I hope he doesn't wake up and see that you're carrying him. That's a disaster waiting to happen." Someone chuckled from the side of me. "I doubt he will. Zanos is a really deep sleeper despite the fact he doesn't look like it. He can hear us talking yeah, but he can't figure out whose talking so I can use that to my advantage."

I scrunched up my subconsciously. How does this person know my sleeping habits?

" really know your stuff, don't you Ale?"

"I sure do."

I feel myself elevating as the person carrying me walked around, trying to get to their destination.

You see, I would open my eyes to see who was carrying me but you just don't normally go, 'Hey there's a sleeping person! Let's pick him up!' I had a feeling it was someone I knew, I just couldn't pinpoint who. I was so exhausted, my eyes refused to open.

I heard a ding that sounded like an elevator and winced at how loud it sounded.

"What room is he in?" Another foreign voice asked. I really should open my eyes to see who it was talking but I wanted to sleep.

"Room 331."

"That number has significance to you?"


I heard a click and a door was being opened. I smelt the aroma of a freshly cleaned hotel room. It smelled lemon and it felt cozy. I felt myself being placed on a comfy bed, with the covers pushed up on me and I fell into a deep slumber.

I jolted up with a deep vibrating in my pants. It felt so uncomfortable and I couldn't help but let out a loud groan, and the vibrations shattered my body.

"Oi, what the hell?" I reached into my pocket to pull out my phone, the vibrating buzzing in my hand to signal that someone was calling me.

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