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A few days ago Alexa got a call from one of her friends, asking if she'd want to go to a party later that week. Alexa denied the offer in the first place, but after some convincing and a few 'nobody wants to go with me's from her friend, she agreed. She didn't like the idea though, since parties were not quite her thing, especially not houseparties, where a lot of drunken teenagers would dance rather ridiculously to some kind of rather shit music. It just wasn't how she wanted to spend her Saturday evening but hey there was no going back now.

In the afternoon before the party Alexa was sitting in her room not sure of what to wear tonight. She did want to look good, but she didn't have anything in her closet that would look good on a party. Her closet was full of clothes, but since she was more of a 'homegirl' she didn't own any party clothes. She would have also not felt comfortable in a short black dress or what not. Having about an hour before her friend would pick her up she decided on doing her make-up and then get back to fashion. Once done with that she was fed up and decided on jeans shorts and a plain black top. Soon her friend was here and the party was about to start. Great.

At the actual party she was greeted by a boy she had never even seen before. There was loud music coming from inside and Alexa already dreaded all of this. The whole house was full of intoxicated teenagers and Alexa literally knew nobody. And wouldn't it be perfect already, after five minutes her friend had abandoned her and she was on her own standing by a table in the corner. The music in the room and the fact that basically the whole room, which was like a lounge room was filled with smoke gave her a headache. She decided on going to sit outside and text her friend where the hell she is.

When she sat down on the front porch of the house she could see all the stars shining brightly from the sky. She wondered if somebody else was watching the stars at this exact moment. Probably. She wondered if somebody else was trying to escape a stupid party by searching comfort in the stars. Less probable. The stars were another thing why Alexa liked the night so much. They were very fascinating to her. Just as she was quite at peace with herself, being alone, she heard the door shut behind her, which made her jump. Two footsteps and a loud plonk later a certain boy was sitting next to her.

"can't you sit somewhere else" she scoffed, not even looking at him.

"well I'm sorry I didn't knew you owned this house as well" he said, scooting a bit further away from Alexa. Surprisingly he didn't have any alcoholic beverage with him. Alexa took a glace at the boy sitting next to her. The streetlights shone an ever so slight ray of light upon his face, which made his features really soft and his eyes really dreamy. The way on side of his face was lit up and the other one was basically in the dark was very artistically pleasing. If it weren't the boy she hated so much, Alexa would've definitely taken a picture.

Minutes must have passed and Alexa was staring at him the whole time, while he had his gaze fixed on the distance. Somehow there was no awkward silence, somehow they were just enjoying each other's company. A bit like the other day under the tree in Alexa's garden.

"They say we're all made of stardust, do you think that's possible?" he wondered out loud, eyes still fixated on the distance. Alexa still had her eyes on him.

"it's true actually" Alexa stated, now looking down on her hands in her lap.

Michael now turned his head to face Alexa. Her face was beautifully lit by the ever so soft light of the streetlights. "Really?" he asked with a hint of surprise.

"Yeah, that one element, I think it is carbon, which is what we're made of essentially, can only be made in the core of stars, so technically yes we are made of stardust." Alexa explained, fiddling with her hands. Her gaze was still locked on her lap.

"that's really cool" he spoke. He scooted ever so slightly closer to Alexa, she didn't notice though. "thinking about it means that those sparkly things we see out there will at some point be humans or something else" he looked at Alexa again. "don't you think that's amazing?"

"I guess so" she said mindlessly, although being really fascinated by that exact thought. She would never agree with Michael though.

"why are you out here alone anyways, did you come alone?" he asked all of a sudden.

"I came with a friend but she left me for some other guys, typical, so I went outside cause it was really stuffy inside" Alexa sighed. "I am actually gonna go home soon, since she doesn't even bother to reply to my texts." Alexa said, whilst getting up from the front porch.

"are you gonna walk?" he asked with a confused expression.

"yeah?" Alexa made it seem like it was the most obvious thing. "it's just a few blocks"

"no it's not" he stated "at least let me walk you home"

"I am not twelve thanks mum" she muttered. The last thing she wanted was to walk home with him. Couldn't he just leave her alone for once?

"I was gonna get going anyways, so we kinda have to go together" he stated.

"I hate you" she said simply

Michael didn't respond. They just started walking. For most of the way the didn't say one word. Then Michael broke the silence. "why were you at the party in the first place?"

"my friend convinced me to go" she said half-heartedly. For once it was actually the truth. She didn't want to go and her friend made her and then abandoned her. Although she wasn't actually angry, she was kind of used to it.

"not the nicest of friends first convincing you to go and then leaving you alone" he said.

"nothing new" Alexa said plainly.

"bitch" he coughed, in a concealing manner, which made Alexa smile. She looked down trying to hide the smile creeping up her face, hoping Michael wouldn't notice. But he was right, her friend wasn't the nicest person.

The walk back home was longer than Alexa had imagined and since it went through a little forest she was actually glad that somebody was there with her. It still was Michael but god knows who would lurk there. It was dark and really eerie so Alexa unconsciously walked a little closer to Michael. For a slight moment their hands touched sending electricity throughout their bodies. Yet they both denied it immediately. From that point on the conversation died down completely until they reached their houses about half an hour later.

"thanks for walking home with me" Alexa spoke.

"no problem" he smiled, looking straight into her eyes, which made her look down. The next moment he pulled her into a hug, and without even thinking about it she returned it. So they were standing there, in the middle of the street just hugging it out. Once they pulled away Alexa had to fight a smile really badly. She couldn't really though and faced her feet.

"I still hate you, just so you know" she said in voice that was not supposed to be so tiny.

"I would never forget that" Michael said, also hiding a smile, whilst looking down to his shoes. "Goodnight Alexa" he added simply.


(a/n: i am so rooting for those two (what even) god i am gonna write so much fluff you have no idea. Also this chapter is dedicated to the lovely anna (@muffledgarblingnoise) who has been supporting this story from the beginning on ily

it really means a lot to me and really motivates me to see that people actually read this poo lol
also come say hi and we can be friends)

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