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When Alexa woke up she felt as content as ever. As soon as she opened her eyes confusion spread across her face as she took in her surroundings. Turning her head around, she realised she was actually in Michael's room.

"good morning sunshine" he mumbled, voice laced with sleep. Alexa's stirring must have woken him up. Processing further she noticed that she was actually laying close to him, his arm securely around her. Alexa could definitely get used to waking up like this.

"good morning" she whispered.

"did you sleep well?" he asked in a deep voice.

"mhm" she mumbled "it's comfortable in your arms" He pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her head in response.

"you know" he began, taking Alexa's hand into his. "I could get used to this"

"me too" Alexa whispered. She turned around, so she was now facing him, or rather his chest. She tilted her head upwards and kissed his neck, earning a quiet 'mmmhhm' from him. They laid like this for a while, just enjoying each other's presence. Only to be interrupted by a loud growl from Michael's stomach.

"oh well someone's hungry" Alexa giggled, poking his chest.

"well I can't deny it now, can I?" he mumbled.

"c'mon let's go eat something, I'm hungry too" Alexa said, sitting up and stretching her arms out. Her shirt got pulled up slightly and revealed a bit of skin on her sides. Michael took that opportunity and grabbed her, to pull her back into his embrace.

"hey" she protested, but soon was curled into a ball, because Michael tried to tickle her, once again. After a while of trying to escape his grasp, she gave up. She let herself fall back down on the bed, next to Michael with his arms still around her.

Kissing the top of her head he mumbled "God I - you're so cute" he corrected himself. Alexa's heart almost stopped, as she thought he was going say it and she wouldn't have been prepared at all. Alexa awkwardly coughed. The air in the room was weird now after that almost confession.

"let's go get food shall we?" Michael suggested.

"yeah let's go" Alexa obliged, getting up from the bed and walking to the stairs. Michael trailed behind her, still being in a daze. He really wanted to just keep laying in that bed.

"okay since you're not gonna do anything you'll have to at least tell me where things are" Alexa stated, putting her hands to her waist.

"alright alright what are we making? Pancakes?" he paused for a second, looking at Alexa who just nodded. He walked over to the fridge, taking out the pancake mix. Alexa took it out of his grasp as soon as the mix was within reaching distance. Quite conveniently there was already a pan sitting on the stove, so she just began making the pancakes.

Michael however had different things in mind. Standing behind her he put his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder. He stayed like that for a while, until he was beginning to be bored. Alexa was still happily cooking pancakes, when a Michael's hand made its way under her shirt, softly trailing lines. Her breath hitched. Yet she concealed it as well as possible. It was until he started to pepper kisses on her neck, when her façade fell.

"Michael-" she mumbled, unable to form coherent sentences.

"what sweetheart?" he asked sweetly.

"I can't cook pancakes if you do this" she said, voice tiny.

"like what?" he teased, placing another kiss on her neck. The first pancake was finished, so Alexa tossed it onto the plate sitting next to the pan. Now, she had enough of his teasing. She put her finger into the pancake mix and smeared a bit of it onto Michael's cheek.

"oh no you didn't" he gasped in shock.

"yes I did" Alexa stated proudly. "that's what you get for distracting me from making breakfast"

"that calls revenge" Michael announced, turning round. His arm was still half way around Alexa, holding her securely, so she wouldn't just run away. Conveniently there was an opened jar of Nutella on the opposite counter. Not thinking twice about it, he stuck his finger in and in a matter of seconds there was Nutella on Alexa's face. She whipped her head around to look up at him, which was a mistake because this gave him access to her other cheek. Now it almost looked like war paint on her face.

"you." Alexa squinted her eyes at Michael

"what about me" he asked innocently, a smirk on his lips. He licked the leftover Nutella off his finger.

"you are disgusting. Food is not to be played with" Alexa stated.

"you're just mad I won" he chuckled. "but you know you look cute" he said, kissing Alexa's nose.

"I look like an idiot, besides how the hell am I gonna get this off" Alexa whined, trying to rub it off, but only smearing it.

"I have an idea" he said, his lips twitching into a smile. "just close your eyes"

"oh god, this is gonna be one of your ideas, is it" Alexa emphasized the 'your', since his ideas were usually weird, but she obliged anyways and closed her eyes. A mere second later she felt his lips softly pressing to her cheek. She then also felt his tongue very lightly touching her cheek. A smile spread on her face, since this was simultaneously the most stupid and cutest thing ever. It also tickled, which made Alexa giggle, like a schoolgirl. "you're such an idiot" she cackled.

"are you like actually licking my face now?" she wondered out loud, squirming slightly.

A muffled "mhm" is all of an answer she got.

"you're so weird god" she said, putting her arms around his waist. "does it even taste good?" Alexa wondered further. Within one swift motion Michael's lips were on Alexa's. She could definitely taste the Nutella that was now also on her lips.

"I don't know does it?" he asked cheekily, after breaking the kiss.

"you're an idiot and we now have one pancake" Alexa said, wriggling out of his grasp.

"and that one is mine you can make your own" Michaels said evily, taking the pancake on the counter and running off, already taking a bite off the pancake.

"oh no you didn't" Alexa gasped.

"yesI did"    

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