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After they had almost fallen asleep on the hood of Michael's car in the middle of the afternoon the day before, something changed. Somehow there was no need to spit hateful comments and teasing remarks at each other. Somehow they wanted to see each other.

Alexa was sitting outside when Michael saw her from his bedroom window. She was sitting under her beloved tree, reading a book. He used to tease her about her books all the time, when in reality he had always secretly thought it made her smart. Never in a million years would he admit that though.

He kept watching her, contemplating going outside to talk to her. Since his mum wanted him to take the trash out he had somewhat of an excuse. Walking outside Alexa had heard his door and walked up to him. All day she wanted to see him, but internally denied that fact, of course. When their gazes met Alexa couldn't help but smile. In the process she looked down, hiding the goofiest of all smiles. Michael noticed and engulfed her in the biggest hug. Almost squeezing her with his large hands he earned a giggle from Alexa.

"hi to you too" she managed to say against his chest.

"hi" he said in a ever so silent voice. Somehow there was no oddity about that little greeting. When they pulled apart, they started conversation just as best friends would, not even thinking about just a few days before when they hated each other.

"last night I found this video" Michael said in between laughing "It's hilarious, you have to watch it" he managed to get out. He was laughing so hard he couldn't speak. Handing Alexa his phone he had to wipe away tears from laughter. When the video started playing Michael lost it even more and Alexa's smile turned into the loudest laughter. She didn't know what it was about animals doing stupid things to even more stupid music that was so funny, but she just couldn't help it. There were also tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"why is this so funny?" Alexa asked completely out of breath from laughing

"I have no idea" Michael laughed.

They replayed the video another time and still found it funny as ever, when Michael's friends turned up for their daily practice. As they were walking up to the house they were looking at each other in confusion as to why the hell those two were talking and laughing. They couldn't grasp it. Last time they were shouting nasty stuff at each other and suddenly they are laughing together, looking like best friends. Alexa noticed them and skipped over to them.

"oh hi guys" she said, hugging all of them individually, as if they had been best friends for ever. It wasn't like they didn't like Alexa, they were just very confused.

"uhm hi" Calum said, looking at Alexa with his head tilted to one side.

"what" Alexa asked, not seeing any weirdness in the situation whatsoever.

"nothing" he said, dropping the subject.

The boys proceeded going inside and Alexa went back to her book. Once inside the questioning began.

"okay what the hell was that?" Calum asked, still having no clue.

"what do you mean?" Michael countered, not giving in just yet.

"dude you were acting like best friends, when two days ago you wanted to kill each other" Luke joined in with the conversation. The four of them were walking downstairs to the basement, to practice.

"I never wanted to kill her" Michael stated plainly.

"but you never wanted to laugh over whatnot with her either" Calum said, as if that was a fact.

"never said that" Michael said half-hartedly.

"you like her don't you" Luke asked.

"dude" Michael answered, being quite startled by the question. To be honest he didn't know himself. Did he like Alexa? To be fair they had shared quality time over the past few days and not picking on her seemed to be very nice as well. He would not admit to that though. "I was just being nice for once, that doesn't mean I'm in love immediately." He tried to reason as well as possible. The boys however didn't buy that.

"we never said anything about love" Ashton spoke, raising on eyebrow at Michael. He didn't know how to answer that. He definitely didn't want to drag Alexa but he also didn't want to admit that there might be something about her.

"you know what I meant" Michael turned around to grab his guitar. The only thing he wanted to do right then was start practice, but his friends weren't having any of that.

"do you like her or not?" Calum said.

"can't you just leave me alone" Michael said, avoiding the boys' gazes.

"not until you answer the question" Calum teased.

"what question?" Michael said, pretending he didn't hear the other part of their conversation.

"do you like Alexa?" Calum repeated, his gaze fixated on Michael.

"I don't know okay" Michael admitted.

"ooooo Mikey's got a chrush" Luke sang.

"shut up Luke" Michael said, hiding a blush. "I swear to go if you say anything to her I'll kill you" Michael warned. The boys were just happy that they got him to admit that there was something about her. But they were not stopping there.

"soooo how long have you been eyeing her like that?" Luke teased.

"that's none of your business" Michael snapped.

"so you have liked her for longer than we know" Calum joined in once again.

"guys can't we just practice?" Michael said, not wanting to give anything away, since he knew very well they would be telling her everything.

"yeah whatever lovebug" Calum teased.

"Shut up"


(a/n: so what do you think?? i can't believe this is already the tenth chapter! i remember well how i sat at my desk outlining all the chapters, not having one word written and now this is already the tenth chapter oh wow anyways i hope you enjoy and have a nice day love you all)

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