Chapter 3

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Authors POV
"Go on Louis." The nurse says, almost touching Louis but remembers last second. He quietly walks out, the nurses following behind him to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone. They walk into the lounge and Louis see's Harry sitting in the chair facing the couch.

Louis walks over quickly, aching to get away from the nurses. He climbs onto the couch and curls up by the window. Harry smiles widely, excited about seeing the only person who will talk to him.

"Hey Lou!" He says and Louis just stares out the window. "What's wrong?" He asks and Louis just sighs. "What did they do?" Harry asks watching Louis sit there nervously. He sees Louis start to scratch his thighs and Harry instantly looks away trying to calm him down.

"A-am I ever getting out?" Louis asks the doctor, hope evident in his voice. She stares at Louis, her heart breaking knowing that he won't. He'll die in here like everybody else.

"Maybe. The chances are slim but there's a possibility." She says, voice cracking at the end. He nods, looking at the ground. "Hey Lou, try finding someone you really like. Someone you trust and when you start to panic imagine they are the one touching you. That way you don't have to worry about being scared because you trust them." She says, smiling. Louis nods and looks down, his mind flashing to someone.

"Okay. Yeah." He says smiling.

"It's time for lunch." Harry says, smiling at Louis. Louis just stares out the window, not talking. He has dark circles under his eyes and he looks drained but Harry doesn't mention it. "Please eat." Harry says. When he gets no response he gets up slowly, walking into the lunch room to eat by himself.

While he's in line, he sees Zayn going into the area that Louis is. Harry mentally smiles knowing that Zayn will be able to make Louis come eat.

Harry's POV
It's been two weeks. Louis hasn't really eaten except for when they started to realize he wasn't showing up for meals. They forced him to eat. He hasn't talked at all either. On Friday he had to carry around an IV drip that gave him water and food. He still didn't talk. I sat with him everyday. I told him stories about my family and sister. He just stared out the window.

I stand in line like always, waiting to get fed. The lady hands me my tray and I smile at her, before making my way to my table. I call it my table because only I sit there.

Before I can reach the table I hear the patter of bare feet on the cold tile floor. Only Louis doesn't wear shoes. They won't let him. He'll hit people with them. I turn my head to see him darting straight for me, a large smile on his face.

He grabs my arm, making me drop my food and causing it to splatter on the floor before he drags me back to the lounge area. He pulls me to the window and smiles, pointing at something.

I lean in and see it.

It's a deer.

A doe.

He looks at me expectantly, smiling so wide it might break his face. "See it?" He asks, breathing heavily from running. He just talked. He talked to me for the first time in two weeks.

"Yeah. She's pretty." I say and he hums a yes, looking back out the window. "Let's name her." I say and he practically bounces, nodding yes quickly.

"Daisy." He says excitedly. I nod and he smiles happily, pulling me on the couch so I'm pressed against him. I tense up and don't say anything, wondering if he's realized. He presses his face against the glass, watching closely as if she's not real.

"Missed your voice." I say. He doesn't respond, just keeps watching her. "Dr. Payne isn't mad at you." I say and I see him flinch slightly before continuing to stare forward.

"I'm sorry." He says softly, as if I'll be mad at him.

"Don't be. I mean, we're in here for a reason." I say and he nods, smiling slightly. "And I saw Zayn talk to you the other day, hm?" I ask and he nods.

"Zayn was wondering why I hit him. I haven't hit Zayn in a while." He says sadly. "I'm going to die in here, Harry." He says and I shake my head.

"No, no your not Lou. We're going to get my case sorted out. Once I get out then I'm coming back for you." I say.

"They won't let me out." He says stiffly.

"I bet they will. You just have to promise me you'll try to get better. That means eating everyday and talking and being the Lou I met when I first got here." I say. He shrugs and looks down at our legs, pressed to one another.

"When I first met you," he starts still looking down. "Your touch was hot. Like I touched a stove or like I spilled boiling water. But now, it's just," he stops trying to think of the words and I just stare, urging him to continue. "Its a touch. It doesn't hurt." He says and I bite my lip, holding back my smile. "I like your touch. Zayn's used to be prickly. Dr. Payne's is still cold. Really cold like ice." He says and I just smile.

"Why don't you like to be touched?" I ask and he doesn't say anything, just looks down. He stays silent for a minute before looking out the window, shoulders slouching a bit when he sees that the deer left. "Will you tell me one day?" I ask and he shrugs.

Zayn walks in, looking angry before he sees Louis and I pressed together. He smiles and walks over.

"Janitor says that Harry spilled his food then ran off with someone." He says, sitting in the chair that faces Louis's couch. Yes it's his couch. "Could that someone be you?" He asks, poking Louis's leg softly. Louis just giggles, the sound sounding like sunshine while he looks down.

"There was a deer." He says and moves closer to my side, blushing. "We named her Daisy." He says and Zayn smiles before his eyes dart to me.

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