Chapter 30

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Louis awakes to the smell of bacon and pancakes. The light shines through the window, resting on his cheek warming the skin. He sits up slowly, as to not wake Harry because this is when he thinks Harry looks the best; next to laughing of course or when he cums.

He slowly peels the covers off his body, stepping out of the bed and his toes meet cold wood floors. He hears Harry stir and he turns around, only to be met with closed eyes. He sighs and slowly creeps out of the room, making sure not to let the floor boards creak.

He opens the door and slowly closes it, not letting it slam shut. It's pretty quiet outside the room besides the sound of sizzling bacon and humming. Louis slowly walks around the corner, making his way to the kitchen.

He sees Liam standing at the stove, spatula in hand, sweat pants hanging low on his hips, and shirtless. The floor creaks under Louis's weight, letting Liam know he's not alone. He turns around quickly, his eyes landing on Louis, bare thighs peeking out from under Harry's hoodie.

"Morning, love." Liam says, quietly since Zayn is still asleep on the couch. Louis waves and smiles, continuing to make his way over to where Liam is standing.

"Smells good." Louis says, watching Liam push the bacon around the hot pan and flip the pancakes skillfully, and with ease. Louis goes to grab a piece of bacon that's done on a plate to the side, but Liam slaps his hand with the spatula, making Louis yelp.

"No. Wait till everything is done and everyone is awake." Liam says, making Louis whine and stomp his feet like a kid. Liam just rolls his eyes and Louis walks away.

He first goes to the couch where Zayn is sleeping to wake him up, since Liam said he couldn't eat till everyone was awake. I sit on the floor next to Zayn, blowing in his ear lightly. He groans, scrunching his face up and swatting the air.

Louis then slaps Zayn's ass as hard as he can (since he's laying on his stomach) and Zayn clenches his butt cheeks hard, screaming. Louis just busts out laughing and he hears Liam yell from the kitchen. Zayn's hands instantly go to his sore butt cheeks as he rolls over slowly, eyebrows furrowed in pain.

"Morning." Louis says in a sweet, sing-songey tone. Zayn shoots him a death glare and gets up, mumbling under his breath as he stomps into the kitchen. Niall makes his way down the stairs moments later.

"What's all the yelling?" He asks, rubbing his eyes and then sticking a hand in his pants to itch himself.

"Louis broke my ass." Zayn snaps. "Niall, seriously?" Zayn motions to Niall's hand down his pants and the blonde boy just shrugs.

"My house, my hand, my pants." He says. He then sits at the kitchen table, resting his head down and yawning. Louis survey's the room and realizes something is missing.

"Did Zayn's screaming really not wake him up?" Niall asks and Zayn smirks.

"He was up late with Louis." He says, making smooching noises as Liam starts fake moaning. Louis's face instantly turns a deep shade of red and he looks down at his feet. "Oh my god, Harry!" Liam moans out and Louis just flips them off, walking down to the bedroom to wake Harry.

He throws the door open and Harry doesn't even move. Louis walks over to the bed and shakes his sleeping body.

"Hmm?" Harry hums out, voice lower than normal. Louis melts for just a second but quickly snaps out of it. He's on a mission of course. Louis shakes him more and Harry opens one eye, clearing not adjusted to the light.

"Get up." Louis says gently, trying to wake him up nicely . Harry groans and closes his eyes again. "Harry!" He shouts, giving up and he hears Liam down the hall.

"Harry!" He fake moans and then Louis hears hears the other boys snicker under their breath. Harry just chuckles slowly and sits up, rubbing his eyes and running his fingers through his messy hair. Louis practically drools at the sight in front of him. Loving how Harry looks when he just wakes up. Does Harry even have a bad angle? Louis thinks to himself.

"Morning babe." Harry says, eyes landing on Louis red cheeks and he chuckles. "It's okay, babe." Harry says, slowly getting out of bed.

"It's embarrassing though." He whispers and Harry kisses his head.

"They're just poking fun. I promise." Harry says and Louis sighs, nodding and grabbing Harry's hand as they walk down the hall together. The boys have started plating the food already, not even noticing the couple walk in the room. They sit down and Zayn smirks, "So, Harry, you guys had sex yet?" Zayn says and Louis blushes a deep red color.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm waiting for Louis." He says and Zayn nods. "Why are you guys so interested in what we're doing?" Harry asks and Liam shrugs.

"We care about him. If you force him or push him too far, I swear to-" Liam starts but Louis cuts him off abruptly.

"He's not pushing me. Not to mention, I walked in on you and Zayn fucking that one time, you weren't pushing him?" Louis asks in a mocking tone and Niall spits his orange juice across the table, coating Zayn, and part of the wall behind him.

"Niall!" Zayn screams, grabbing his napkin and wiping is face. Liam just stares at Louis is shock and the table is silent except for Zayn's quiet complaints.

"Well checkmate." Liam says, chuckling softly. Louis pretends to flip is hair as if it were on his shoulder. The rests of the boys are silent though, staring awkwardly at each other.

"So, uh, are we gonna talk abou-"

"Nope." Louis and Liam say in unison. Harry takes the answer and just nods his head.

They finish breakfast, Zayn constantly complaining about how he's sticky.

I'm back bitches

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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