Chapter 9

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Mentions of abuse
Harry's POV
I sit and run my fingers through Louis's hair while his head is in my lap, humming softly to him. His eyes are closed and his chest is slowly rising and falling.

I love seeing him like this.

There's not much noise except for the static TV in the corner and the mumbling coming from one of the patients. Louis has a small smile on his face and I feel my heart swell just seeing him like this.

I hear a group of footsteps approach and I look up, feeling instantly protective. It's a group of nicely dressed men and women. Their eyes scan me and then land on Louis.

They have guns in their belts, and a badge around their necks.

FBI agents.

"Are you Harry Styles?" Someone asks.

I nod and Louis's eyes slowly open. His eyes land on me and he smiles, making me smile back.

"Are you Louis Tomlinson?" The same person asks. Louis's head snaps over to them and he quickly sits up, nodding.

"May we have a word with you two?" They ask. I nod slowly and Louis is frozen. His eyes are wide and he's slightly shaking.

"Use your words Lou." I say softly in his ear.

"C-can I stay w-with Harry?" He asks, pressing closer to my side. One lady smiles and nods, ushering us with her hand.

"Of course, we wouldn't separate you two." She says, sensing Louis's nervousness.

They tell us they they're going to be taking a video of our "session" for evidence.

"So, Harry Styles," the man starts, sitting at the big round oval table. "You're claiming you didn't kill those people." He says, looking at a file.

"Yes, I am." I say confidently. I know I didn't.

"You know the only reason we're reopening your case is because there was another killing similar to the ones before and because Dr. Payne doesn't believe you did it." He says. I remain silent and look over at Louis.

He's playing with the string on his pants with his head down.

"Now, this is Louis Tomlinson, yes?" He asks, making Louis's head snap up.

"Yes." I say, placing a protective hand on his thigh.

"And what is he to you? Relationship wise." He asks, scanning over Louis's body. I slowly rub my thumb back and forth feeling him relax a little.

"Well he was the only person who even dared to talk to me when I first got here. We then slowly became friends then boyfriends." I say. The man just keeps his eyes on Louis.

"And from his patient file it says he kille-"

"Don't say it out loud." I say, cutting him off. He nods slowly and continues.

"It says he did some bad things and reacts violently when touched. Is that right?" He questions. I nod, glancing over at Louis who is staring at his lap again. "So what everyone wants to know, is why he trusts you. Of all people." He says, with a smirk.

"I-I don't know." I say, genuinely confused.

"Because of him, the judges and the agents and the police are reconsidering your case, looking over everything again." He says. Louis blushes and bites his lip to suppress his smile. "So Mr. Tomlinson, if I may ask, why do you trust Mr. Styles here so much?" He asks. Louis slowly looks up at me and I nod encouragingly.

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