Chapter 10

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Almost this entire chapter will be about Louis's past. Please do not read if that bothers you.

Harry's POV
I feel my heart pounding in my ears, as Louis's soft voice speaks about his past abuse. I am stuck in a daze of rubbing Louis's thigh softly.

"A-And mummy would just watch. She wouldn't stop anything or she'd hold me down. And Daddy would hurt my bum, really bad. My brother would join sometimes. It hurt really bad and mummy wouldn't help me." He says, eyes darting to mine then back down. "Then one day Daddy brought me to his room for play time and I brought a knife from the kitchen. He started to touch me and I stabbed him. I couldn't stop. Then my brother came to stop it and I got him, then mummy." He says taking a shaky breath. "I called the cops because I was scared. There was a lot of blood and it wouldn't come off."

I stare at him in shock, feeling him tremble slightly under my hand.

"Don't be angry." Louis says quietly.

"Lou, I'm not angry at all. Not at you at least. I just," I pause and look at the small boy, seeing him his eyes about to spill tears. "I'm sorry that happened to you." I say, grabbing his hand.

"They would tell me that boys don't have big bums like me or they would tell me that boys aren't as small as me. Said I was too pretty to be a boy." He says, shaking slightly.

I see Liam slowly peak his head in the room and I shush him, not wanting Louis to stop talking.

"I didn't know families don't do things like that until I told my friend one day. We were at his house and I told him about it and he just-he looked disgusted at me. He said that I'm a boy, I should've been able to fight them off." He lets out a heart wrenching sob and then I feel tears falling from his eyes. "Is it my fault? I tried really hard and I kept telling Daddy that it hurt. I would scream for mummy but no one did anything." He says, wiping his eyes.

"No, no, of course it's not your fault. Lou, it's never anyone's fault." I say, rubbing his thigh gently.

"And now I'm here. I'm here because I was sick of it. They screwed me up, Harry. I'm so-so broken." He says, shaking his head slowly.

"No, don't say that. Lou, you're not broken, just a little bent. Look at you, you're letting me touch you right now. When I first met you, you hit me right in the face for even touching your wrist. Look at you baby. I'm touching your thighs. You said that you despised being touched on your thighs and look at you. You used to tense up when I would even get close to you and now you don't even flinch. I'm so, so proud of you." I say, pulling him onto my lap.

He puts his small hand on my jaw and kisses me deeply. His lips are pressed firmly to mine and it's not a desperate kiss just sweet.

He pulls back and then hugs me tightly, holding onto me firmly.

"Lou," Liam says, making Louis jump and turn around. He grabs onto my shirt tightly and I pat his leg. "Can we talk Lou?" He asks.

"Y-yes." He says softly. "Can Harry come?" He asks. Liam looks at me and gives me a look almost saying help me.

"I think you and I should just talk." Liam says. Louis looks to me and I nod.

"You'll be okay babe. Promise." I say, sticking out my pinky. Louis locks pinkies with me and nods, smiling.

Liam's POV
"What were you telling Harry?" I ask softly. He shrugs and I sigh, walking over to him. "Why don't you want to tell me?" I ask, trying to catch his eyes as they wont stop darting around the room.

"It's embarrassing." He says, looking like a little kid who's pouting.

"Louis, you wouldn't imagine the stuff I hear on a daily basis. Your story isn't anymore embarrassing then the next person. We all have things we don't want people to know about but I'm here to help you get out of this place." I say, his eyes finally locking with mine. "I've knows you for so long, almost longer than anyone here. I remember, you came here when you were 15, they admitted you as an adult. And god, you were scared. You were constantly scratching your things and you were barely eating."

"Yeah I know, you don't need to talk about it." He says angrily.

"And you always sat on that couch by the window. First time I met you, you got me pretty good right in the throat." I say, laughing at the memory of me holding my throat and coughing.

Louis stands up quickly and wraps his arms around me. I stumble back a bit but remain standing up.

"Just shut up." He says angrily in my ear. I slowly hug him back and he tenses up but doesn't let go. "You've put up with me for so long and thank you. I-I just," he pulls back and rubs his eyes with balled up fists. "I'm scared." He says softly.

"Why are you scared?" I ask, watching tears stream down his face.

"It's like being in an empty room and it's dark and you see your way out but you can't move. You can't go back the way you came because you're too far gone. You just need to get out of this dark room but you can't. You're screaming and screaming for help but nothing's happening." He says softly. "H-Harry's my way out."

"What's holding you in place then?" I ask.

"My past." He says.

He the explains what happened to him and I feel sick. Who could do this to such a small boy.


I rush into the room where the FBI agents are going over everything, including Harry's case.

"Louis was sexually abused. Here's his confession tape." I say, slamming it down. They all look up at me, glancing at each other. "Does that help him at all?" I ask.

"Y-yeah. That might give him a chance." He says. I smile as they play the tape, listening to it. Many of them just clench their fists, some shake their heads, and many squeeze their eyes shut. Hearing Louis's small, broken voice explain what was done to him.

One guy gets up and leaves the room, explaining that he fears he might pass out.

We're getting Louis out of here.


I'm an asshole who hasn't updated in over 2 months lol. Sorry finals and shit.

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