Chapter 28

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Louis's POV
I bite into the cinnamon roll, my mouth practically watering at the smell. Harry sits at the table with me, a fond smile on his face as he watches me.

"Stop." I say, gingerly. He just smiles more than he already is and goes on his phone. I watch his long fingers type quickly and before I know it I'm staring. I hear him chuckle and I look to his face, seeing he's staring at me. "Sorry." I say, blushing wildly.

"No, it's cute." Harry compliments with a small chuckle and I blush even more.

"You just have really pretty hands." I say and now it's his turn to blush, he looks at me, eyes scanning my body and I snap my fingers in his face. "Sorry babe." Harry says quickly and I giggle. I take another bite and almost moan as the gooey white frosting melts in my mouth. He watches me, mouth slightly agape as I lick my lips.

"You're being spacey today." I say and he blinks a few times before nodding. He gets up and gets a cold glass of water, gripping it tightly as he slowly sips it.

"How's it been with Niall?" He asks and I shrug.

"I can't wear my panties and stuff around I think it makes him uncomfortable." I say and Harry chuckles, making his way to me.

"Good, no one else should see you in those except yourself and I." He says, leaning down and kissing my head. He sets his water glass down and kneels in front of me, spreading my legs so he can be in between them and he kisses me.

I set my cinnamon roll down and hold my hand awkwardly to the side, not wanting to get the gooey mess on Harry. He obviously takes notice as he pulls back and grabs my hand, pulling my fingers into his mouth and sucking the frosting off.

I stare at him in awe, not sure why this is making me get hard but it is. He pulls off my fingers with out loud pop and goes back to kissing me, hands running softly up and down my thighs.

"Can I try something?" He asks once he pulls back, his lips red and puffy. His pupils are dilated and he's breathing slightly heavier than before.

"Y-yeah." I say, watching as he palms me through my panties making me gasp and grab onto his shoulders. "This feels good." I say, struggling to get the words out.

"This isn't it. Just getting you fully hard." He says, focusing on what he's doing. I whine at his words and close my eyes, resting my head on the back of the chair.

I feel his lips on my thighs, leaving soft kisses on the heated skin. After some more of this he takes his hand off me and I look at him, pouting.

"You're okay. Just give me a second." He says and he grabs my hand. I watch closely as he pulls my panties down my legs and I help him, lifting my bum off the chair. He places them somewhere on the floor and I feel weird being this exposed to him. "Doing okay?" He asks and I nod frantically, wanting him to keep touching me.

He takes me in his hand and I gasp, my back arching up. He takes his hand from mine and places it on my stomach, holding me in place. He slowly stokes me and I feel my legs start to shake. Moans and whines escape past my lips, like I'm in no control of the noises that leave my body.

"If you need me to stop tell me." He says before he takes me into his mouth. I almost scream at the new sensation, my heart beating out of my chest. He keeps going down until his nose almost touches my stomach and I'm sure that's because I'm so small but never mind that.

He looks up at me, watching my face closely. I feel a thin layer of sweat start to form on my skin and I can't help but buck my hips. He gags a little and places his hands on my thighs, effectively keeping me in place.

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